GigaSpaces Manager

The GigaSpaces Manager (or simply The Manager) is a component that stacks together the LUS and GSM along with Apache ZooKeeper and an embedded web application which hosts an admin instance with a RESTful management API on top of it.

In addition to simplifying setup and management, the Manager also provides the following benefits:

Getting Started

The easiest way to get started is to run a standalone Manager on your machine - simply run the following command:

./gs.sh host run-agent --auto
gs.bat host run-agent --auto

In the Manager log file ($GS_HOME/logs), you can see:

The local Manager is intended for local use on the developer's machine, so it binds to localhost and is not accessible from other machines. If you want to start a Manager and access it from other hosts (remote access), follow the procedure described in High Availability below with a single host.

High Availability

In a production environment, you'll probably want a cluster of Managers on multiple hosts to ensure high availability. You'll need 3 machines (an odd number is required to ensure a quorum during network partitions). For example, suppose you’ve selected machines alpha, bravo and charlie to host the managers:

  1. Edit the $GS_HOME/bin/setenv-overrides.sh/bat script and set GS_MANAGER_SERVERS to the list of hosts. For example: export GS_MANAGER_SERVERS=alpha,bravo,charlie/

  2. Copy the modified setenv-overrides.sh/bat to each machine that runs a GigaSpaces Agent.

  3. Run ./gs.sh[bat] host run-agent --auto on the manager machines (alpha, bravo, and charlie in this case).

Starting more than one Manager on the same host is not supported.



The following ports can be modified using system properties, e.g. via the setenv-overrides script located in $GS_HOME/bin:

Port System Property Default
REST com.gs.manager.rest.port 8090
Zookeeper com.gs.manager.zookeeper.discovery.port
Lookup Service com.gs.multicast.discoveryPort 4174

Apache Zookeeper requires that each Manager can reach the other Managers. If you change the Apache Zookeeper ports, make sure you use the same port on all machines. If that is not possible for some reason, you may specify the ports via the GS_MANAGER_SERVERS environment variable. For example:


When using this syntax in Unix/Linux systems, make sure to wrap it in quotes (as shown), because of the semi-colons.

Configuring manager servers includes LUS definitions. When you define GS_MANAGER_SERVERS, do not define GS_LOOKUP_LOCATORS.

Zookeeper client port can also be modified by declaring the environment variable GS_ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT and also through the Zookeeper config file located at config/zookeeper/zoo.cfg.

If defining more than one property, the order of priorities (highest to lowest) is -- java property, environment variable, config file.

When using the Admin API standalone client, you can configure the port using the Java system property or the environmental variable.

HSQLDB Configuration

GigaSpaces Manager stores statistical data in an HSQLDB database. The data is held for a predefined period of time, in order to show related metrics in the Ops Manager.

It is important to monitor the size of the HSQLDB database ({GS_HOME}/work/db/metricsdb.data), and change the data retention policy if necessary.

GigaSpacesprovides reasonable default values for the retention policy. Depending on cluster size, and number of types and indexes, these default values may not remove old data fast enough from the database, causing the database to increase in size on disk, and possibly also causing internal database memory issues.

The HSQLDB port can be set as follows:
-Dcom.gs.ui.metrics.db.port=9101 (default is 9101)
-Dcom.gs.ui.metrics.db.host=DBHost (usually no need to change)

The retention policy for this data can be configured as follows:

  • How long to keep data in the database:
    -Dcom.gs.ui.metrics.db.retention.retain-duration=PT10M (default is ten minutes)

  • How often to run the delete task:
    -Dcom.gs.ui.metrics.db.retention.delay-duration=PT1M (default is one minute)

  • How many rows to delete each time:
    -Dcom.gs.ui.metrics.db.retention.batch-size=20000 (default is 20,000)

Disabling HSQLDB Usage

If desired, HSQLDB usage can be disabled as follows:


Apache Zookeeper

Apache ZooKeeper's behavior is governed by its configuration file (zoo.cfg). When using GigaSpaces Manager, an embedded Zookeeper instance is started using a default configuration located at $GS_HOME/config/zookeeper/zoo.cfg. If you need to override the default settings, either edit the default file, or use the GS_ZOOKEEPER_SERVER_CONFIG_FILE environment variable or the com.gs.zookeeper.config-file system property to point to your custom configuration file. The default Zookeeper port is 2181.

For more information about Apache Zookeeper configuration, see ZooKeeper configuration.

Zookeeper Configuration File

The ZooKeeper configuration file zoo.cfg is preset with the following parameters.

Property Description Value
tickTime Time unit used by ZooKeeper, in milliseconds. 1000
initLimit Amount of time, in ticks, to allow followers to connect and sync to a leader. 10
syncLimit Amount of time, in ticks, to allow followers to sync with ZooKeeper. 10
clientPort The port to listen for client connections; the port that clients attempt to connect to. 2181
maxSessionTimeout The maximum session timeout that the server will allow the client to negotiate, in milliseconds. 60000
autopurge Automatic purging of the snapshots and corresponding transaction logs. enabled by purgeInterval > 0
autopurge.purgeInterval The time interval for which the purge task has to be triggered (zero to disable), in hours. 1
autopurge.snapRetainCount Retains the most recent snapshots and the corresponding transaction logs and deletes the rest. 3

ZooKeeper Client

The Manager stack uses the ZooKeeper leader election to select a leader among the Grid Service Managers. The leader GSM will act as the managing (active) GSM of the deployed Processing Units. The ZooKeeper quorum ensures that there will only be one elected Manager. In the absence of a quorum, and until a GSM is elected leader, the GSMs will only monitor the cluster. As a participant of the ZooKeeper leader election, the GSM is configurable using the following properties:

System Property Default
com.gs.manager.leader-election.zookeeper.connection-timeout 5000
com.gs.manager.leader-election.zookeeper.session-timeout 15000
com.gs.manager.leader-election.zookeeper.retry-timeout Integer.MAX_VALUE
com.gs.manager.leader-election.zookeeper.retry-interval 100

Backwards Compatibility

The Manager is offered side-by-side with the existing stack (GSM, LUS, etc.). We think this is a better way of working with GigaSpaces, and we want new users and customers to work solely with it. On the same note we understand that it requires some effort from existing users which upgrade to 12.1 (probably not too much, mostly on changing the scripts they use to start the environment), so if you’re upgrading for bug fixes/other features and don’t want the manager for now, you can switch from 12.0 to 12.1 and continue using the old components - it’s all still there.

The Manager uses a different selection strategy when selecting resources where to deploy a Processing Unit instance. The strategy is to choose the container with the least relative weight. This is achieved by calculating the relative weight of each container in regards to other containers. Prior to 12.1, the strategy was to calculate the weight of a container based on gathering remote state. In large deployments, the network overhead and the overall deployment time is costly. We can achieve almost the same behavior with the new strategy.

You may experience a different instance distribution than before. Although in both strategies we take a "best-effort" approach, in some cases it may still be an uneven distribution due to simultaneous selection process.

To change between selector strategies, use the following system property (org.jini.rio.monitor.serviceResourceSelector). For example, to set the strategy to the on prior to 12.1, assign the following when loading the manager (in GS_MANAGER_OPTIONS environment variable):


Regarding the Spring Profile:
Two profiles have been added to the Ops Manager UI: gs-ops-manager-secured and gs-ops-manager (default). These profiles are defined in the war file $GS_HOME$/lib/platform/manager/webapps/V2.war. Inside the war file, the profiles are located in WEB-INF/spring/spring-security.xml, as follows:

If you are using a system property to set the active Spring profile, please take these profiles into consideration.


Q. Why do I need 3 Managers? In previous versions 2 LUS + 2 GSM was enough for high availability.

With an even number of managers, consistency cannot be assured in case of a network partition, hence the need for 3 Managers.

Q. I want higher availability - can I use 5 Managers instead of 3?

Theoretically this is possible (Apache Zookeeper supports this), but currently this is not supported in GigaSpaces - starting 5 managers would also start 5 Lookup Services, which will lead to excessive chatiness and performance drop. This issue is in our backlog, though - if it's important for you please contact support or your sales rep to vote it up.

Q. Can I use a load balancer in front of the REST API?

Yes. However, make sure to use sticky sessions, as some of the operations (e.g. upload/deploy) take time to propagate to the other Managers.