Protective Modes

The following guidelines are highly recommended to build robust and efficient applications as well as to avoid common mistakes. GigaSpaces was designed to be robust and to provide clear exceptions when the usage is wrong. Sometimes a plain validation is too harsh, as it might break backward-compatibility and prevent existing users from upgrading to the latest version.

For such cases the Protective Mode was introduced. The validation is on by default, but can be disabled using a system property. This protects new users from repeating old mistakes, and encourages existing users to fix their code (yet allows them to disable the protection if they choose so).

Disabling the Protective Mode

To disable a protective mode you will need to use the relevant system property. See below example how this can be applied:


export GS_GSCClosed Grid Service Container.
This provides an isolated runtime for one (or more) processing unit (PU) instance and exposes its state to the GSM._OPTIONS=-Dcom.gs.protectiveMode.typeWithoutId=false -Dcom.gs.protectiveMode.wrongEntryRoutingUsage=false -Dcom.gs.protectiveMode.primitiveWithoutNullValue=false


set GS_GSC_OPTIONS=-Dcom.gs.protectiveMode.typeWithoutId=false -Dcom.gs.protectiveMode.wrongEntryRoutingUsage=false -Dcom.gs.protectiveMode.primitiveWithoutNullValue=false

The ServiceGrid.config should have the following

      <add Option="-Dcom.gs.protectiveMode.typeWithoutId=false"/>
      <add Option="-Dcom.gs.protectiveMode.wrongEntryRoutingUsage=false"/>
      <add Option="-Dcom.gs.protectiveMode.primitiveWithoutNullValue=false"/>

SpaceId property Decoration Validation

The SpaceId property is essential for update operations. GigaSpaces also has a rich set of operations that use the SpaceId value to perform read/take/update very efficiently without fetching the entire object (aka Change API). The following is enforced by the protective mode:

Writing an entry to the space without a space ID Java version | .NET version is error-prone - it can lead to duplicate entries, bad performance and more. In case your application contains objects without an SpaceId value you'll get the following exception:

com.gigaspaces.client.protective.ProtectiveModeException: Cannot introduce a type named 'MyClass' without an id property defined...

It is highly recommended that you modify them and add a SpaceId decoration. If this is not feasible, it can be disabled using the following system property:


Space Routing Property Validation

The SpaceClosed Where GigaSpaces data is stored. It is the logical cache that holds data objects in memory and might also hold them in layered in tiering. Data is hosted from multiple SoRs, consolidated as a unified data model. RoutingClosed The mechanism that is in charge of routing the objects into and out of the corresponding partitions. The routing is based on a designated attribute inside the objects that are written to the Space, called the Routing Index. property is used to partition the data across different partitions. It is recommended to define such property explicitly to control how data is partitioned and avoid common mistakes like writing data to the wrong partition.

See more info on routing property Java version | .NET version.

A new protective mode has been added to protect against writing entries with a null value routing. In case your application contains objects without a routing value you'll get the following exception:

com.gigaspaces.client.protective.ProtectiveModeException: Operation is rejected - no routing value provided when writing an entry of type `MyClass` in a partitioned space.

A Space routing value should be specified before writing the space. Missing routing value would result in a remote client not being able to locate this entry as the routing value will not match the partition the entry is located.

It is highly recommended that you modify them and add a routing value. If this is not feasible, you can disable it using the following system property:


In case your application writes directly to one of the partitions and assigns the wrong routing value you'll get the following exception:

com.gigaspaces.client.protective.ProtectiveModeException: Operation is rejected - the routing value in the written entry of type 'MyClass' does not match this space partition id. The value within the entry's routing property named 'symbol' is 100 which matches partition id 1 while current partition id is 2...

It is highly recommended that you modify them and set the right routing.

The following example demonstrates one way to handle writing entries to a partition with the wrong routing value.

If this is not feasible, and you know what you're doing, it can be disabled using the following system property:


Primitive Types Validation

If you must use primitive property types, then assign null values. This is enforced by the protective mode since 9.7.

When querying the space using template matching Java version | .NET version, null properties are ignored and non-null properties are matched. Since primitive properties cannot be set to null, a nullValue can be assigned to a property to indicate a value which will be treated as null when using template matching.

See primitive types matching Java version | .NET version.

A protective mode was added to protect against querying with a template that contains one or more primitive properties without a nullValue, since such templates are likely to produce unexpected results.

If your application uses template matching with such types, you'll get the following exception:

com.gigaspaces.client.protective.ProtectiveModeException: Operation is rejected - template matching on type MyClass is illegal because it has primitive properties without null value: id (int)...

It is highly recommended that you define nullValue where appropriate, or switch to SQLQuery Java version | .NET version instead.

If this is not feasible, this protective mode can be disabled using the following system property:
