GigaSpaces Management Center (GS-UI)

version its a sepaerte package that can be downloaded from the supoort oortal

Starting from Version 17, the GS-UI is not part of the installation zip, but is a separate package that can be downloaded from the support portal.

The GigaSpaces Management Center has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

For more information see the GS-UI section in our User Guide.


The GigaSpaces Management Center is a user interface that allows you to do the following:

Using the GigaSpaces Management Center in Production and Large-Scale Environments

Follow these network guidelines:

With relatively large amount of GSCs, Services or data grid partitions (over 20 units), we also recommend increasing the heap size of the GigaSpaces Management Center to 1G (-Xmx1g).

Starting The GigaSpaces Management Center

To start the GigaSpaces Management Center, run the following:


Main View


The GigaSpaces Management Center contains 3 tabs:

The Space Browser tab has the following components.

Spaces Node

Icon Description
space_network_view_icon.gif The main Spaces node displays the Space Network view – a table listing all spaces in the network, and different details regarding those spaces.
container.gif Container nodes allow you to manage space containers – shutting down the container, creating a space under it, and more.
spaceTreeIcon.gif Container nodes allow you to manage space containers – shutting down the container, creating a space under it, and more.


Clusters Node

Icon Description
cluster_node.gif The main Clusters.
specific_cluster_icon.jpg The main Clusters node that allow you to manage the cluster – stop, start, restart, clean the cluster, and more.
cluster_topology_icon.jpg Cluster group nodes.
spaceTreeIcon.gif cluster members Clicking a cluster member displays a graphic representation of the cluster, and tables showing details regarding replication, failover, load-balancing, and classes.
