Viewing Alerts

To view alerts:

You can view resource and availability alerts in the Services area of the Cluster overview. The alerts are displayed along a timeline, which can be adjusted to show the last 5 minutes, the last hour, or the last day (24 hours).

Alert Types

There are two types of alerts in Ops Manager, availability and resource. Alert summaries can be viewed at the service level, and you can drill through to specific service instances to view and analyze alerts by group and individually, to assess system and cluster performance and identify problem areas.


Availability alerts describe issues with service availability. The following alerts are used:

  • Unavailable - the partition isn't responding (neither backup nor primary).
  • No backup- there is no backup service for this primary service.
  • Overprovisioned - the number of primary and backup services don't match.


Resource alerts have to do with system resources. The following resource alerts are available:

  • CPU usage
  • RAM
  • Redo log

By default, the resource alerts are configured with a threshold of 80%. You can customize the resource thresholds for service types or individual services, as well as configure custom resource alerts, using the Ops Manager configuration file, which is located at <<GS_HOME>config/ui.

Click a service to drill through and see alerts for individual instances.

You can view alerts in the Web Management Console Alerts panel, displayed in GigaSpaces Alert groups (according to correlation key). Alerts are grouped together by type, such as CPU, Memory, etc. When an alert is triggered, it is aggregated with other consecutive alerts of the same type. A resolved alert closes the aggregation. A new alert of the same type triggers a new aggregation. You can sort the on Status column in ascending order to show the latest unresolved alerts.

  • From the menu bar, click Alerts. The list of alerts in the system is displayed with the following details:
Item Description
Status Severity of the alert (Warning, Severe). Expand the top-level alert to see the recurrences of the alert and if/when it was resolved. A green check mark indicates an alert than has been resolved.
Type Type of alert.
Description Detailed description of the alert.
Location Service grid component where the alert occurred.
Last Update Time that the alert was generated.

The Alert number displayed in the menu bar indicates the amount of currently active alerts.

You can generate a dump file for the alert's related grid components by clicking the Action icon in the relevant line of the alert list. See Generating Dump Files for information on how to define the dump file contents.

The Web Management Console server utilizes the $GS_HOME/config/alerts/alerts.xml configuration file. These configurations apply to any client connecting to the Web Management Console at the specified host and port.

Refer to the Admin API topics in the Developer Guide.