Smart DIH - Network & System Integration

Environment Flexibility

GigaSpaces Smart DIHClosed Smart DIH allows enterprises to develop and deploy digital services in an agile manner, without disturbing core business applications. This is achieved by creating an event-driven, highly performing, efficient and available replica of the data from multiple systems and applications, solution can be deployed on several environments with different network isolation models, ranging from air-gapped to a cloud zero-trust model.

Following are the environments on which the platform can be installed:

  1. A customer’s VPC (cloud’s virtual private network)

  2. A customer’s on-premise network

  3. GigaSpaces cloud account (PAAS - with Cloud Store as SORClosed System of Record. This is an information storage and retrieval system that stores valuable data on an organizational system or process. This record can contain multiple data sources and exist at a single location or multiple locations with remote access.*)

  4. A customer’s cloud cluster (via Google Marketplace with Cloud Store as SOR only*)

For environments 3 & 4 the data source is the cloud's object store (e.g. S3, GCS)

Data Sources

There are several out-of-the-box supported data sources, including:

  • Oracle


  • DB2 (z/OS, LUW, AS-400)

  • Cloud Stores (AWS/GCP)

Network Connectivity and Isolation

GigaSpaces Smart DIHClosed Digital Integration Hub. An application architecture that decouples digital applications from the systems of record, and aggregates operational data into a low-latency data fabric. provides access to its internal network for both data and control purposes. These access points can be classified by the following three categories.

  1. Data Ingestion from Customer Data Sources

    The agent which is installed adjacent to the database, facilitates the transfer of change events, allowing the ingestion of data into the system.

  2. Application Servicing

    This involves applications that utilize data from the platform, which can include mobile applications or those designed for business-to-business (B2B) interactions.

  3. Connectivity for Monitoring and Control

    This allows operational personnel to manage the system. GigaSpaces user interface, SpaceDeck, utilizes this network connectivity to control and monitor the platform. Additionally, the GrafanaClosed Grafana is a multi-platform open source analytics and interactive visualization web application. It provides charts, graphs, and alerts for the web when connected to supported data sources. dashboard is employed for metrics and alerts.


There are several ways to connect the customer network and users to the platform, following are some examples:

  1. VPN - Allowing sharing a private network between the customer database network and the platform.

  2. VPC Peering - Allowing sharing a private network between cloud VPCs.

  3. Direct-Link (e.g. AWS) - Using a interfacing facility, within the same cloud , to connect customer and platform network.

  4. Zero-Trust - Connecting from the internet to the control and services aspects of the platform using an API-Gateway. Special security measures are added when using this type of connectivity.

Connection Matrix

  Data Ingestion Application Servicing Control/Monitoring
Zero-Trust (public)  

In addition, a direct feed to an internal KafkaClosed Apache Kafka is a distributed event store and stream-processing platform. Apache Kafka is a distributed publish-subscribe messaging system. A message is any kind of information that is sent from a producer (application that sends the messages) to a consumer (application that receives the messages). Producers write their messages or data to Kafka topics. These topics are divided into partitions that function like logs. Each message is written to a partition and has a unique offset, or identifier. Consumers can specify a particular offset point where they can begin to read messages. can be supported.


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