
A growing number of applications such as real time ad impressions , ad optimization engines, social network , on-line gaming , need real-time counters when processing incoming streaming of events. The challenge is to update the counter in atomic manner without introducing a bottleneck event processing flow.

GigaSpaces provides Counter functionality via the GigaSpace.change API. It allows you to increment or decrement an Numerical field within your SpaceClosed Where GigaSpaces data is stored. It is the logical cache that holds data objects in memory and might also hold them in layered in tiering. Data is hosted from multiple SoRs, consolidated as a unified data model. object (POCO or Document). This change may operate on a numeric property only (byte,short,int,long,float,double) or their corresponding Boxed variation. To maintain a counter you should use the Change operation with the ChangeSet increment/decrement method that adds/subtract the provided numeric value to the existing counter.

There is no need to use a transaction when getting the counter value as the counter is atomic. If the counter property does not exists, the delta will be set as its initial state. This simple API allows you to maintain counters with minimal impact on the system performance as it is replicating only the ChangeSet command and not the entire space object to the backup copy when running a clustered data-grid.


Incrementing a Counter done using the ChangeSet().increment call:

GigaSpace space = // ... obtain a space reference
String id = "myID";
IdQuery<WordCount> idQuery = new IdQuery<WordCount>(WordCount.class, id);
space.change(idQuery, new ChangeSet().increment("mycounter", 1));


Decrementing a Counter done using the ChangeSet().decrement call:

GigaSpace space = // ... obtain a space reference
String id = "myID";
IdQuery<WordCount> idQuery = new IdQuery<WordCount>(WordCount.class, id);
space.change(idQuery, new ChangeSet().decrement("mycounter", 1));


Clearing the Counter value done using the ChangeSet().unset call:

GigaSpace space = // ... obtain a space reference
String id = "myID";
IdQuery<WordCount> idQuery = new IdQuery<WordCount>(WordCount.class, id);
space.change(idQuery, new ChangeSet().unset("mycounter"));

Getting the Value

Getting the Counter value done via the read call:

GigaSpace space = // ... obtain a space reference
String id = "myID";
IdQuery<WordCount> idQuery = new IdQuery<WordCount>(WordCount.class, id);
WordCount wordount = space.readById(WordCount.class , idQuery);
int counterValue = wordount.getMycounter();

Another way getting the Counter value without reading the space object back to the client would be via a Task:

public class GetCounterTask implements Task<Integer> {

    String id ;

    public GetCounterTask (string id) {
        this.id= id;

    private transient GigaSpace space;

    public Integer execute() throws Exception {
        IdQuery<WordCount> idQuery = new IdQuery<WordCount>(WordCount.class, id);
        WordCount wordount = space.readById(WordCount.class , idQuery);
        return wordount.getMycounter();

Call the execute method to fetch the current Counter value:

AsyncFuture<Integer> future = gigaSpace.execute(new GetCounterTask("myID"), routingValue);
int counterValue= future.get();


When pre-loading the space via the External Data Source initial-load you may need to construct Counters data. The initialLoad method allows you to implement the logic to generate the counter data and load it into the space after the actual data been loaded from the external data source (database).


With the following example the Counter class wraps the GigaSpace.change operation providing simple increment,decrement,get and unset methods to manage counters. The example using an extended SpaceDocument as the space object storing the counters data. To retrieve the counter existing value a Task is used. To launch the example run the CounterTest unit test.

package org.openspaces;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.openspaces.core.GigaSpace;
import org.openspaces.core.GigaSpaceConfigurer;
import org.openspaces.core.space.EmbeddedSpaceConfigurer;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

public class CounterTest {

    static GigaSpace space = null;
    static GigaSpace spaceEmb = null;
    static Counter counter = null;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        if (space == null)
            spaceEmb= new GigaSpaceConfigurer(new EmbeddedSpaceConfigurer("mySpace")).gigaSpace();
            space = new GigaSpaceConfigurer(new SpaceProxyConfigurer("mySpace")).gigaSpace();
            counter = new Counter(space, "id", "counter1", 10);

    public void test1() throws Exception
        counter.increment("counter1", 1);
        int counterValue = counter.get("counter1");
        System.out.println("test increment - Counter Value:" + counterValue + " - should be: 11");
        assertEquals(counterValue , 11);

    public void test2() throws Exception
        counter.decrement("counter1", 1);
        int counterValue = counter.get("counter1");
        System.out.println("test decrement - Counter Value:" + counterValue + " - should be: 10");
        assertEquals(counterValue , 10);

    public void test3() throws Exception
        Integer counterValue = counter.get("counter1");
        System.out.println("test unset - Counter Value:" + counterValue + " - should be: null");
        assertEquals(counterValue , null);
package org.openspaces;

import org.openspaces.core.GigaSpace;

import com.gigaspaces.async.AsyncFuture;
import com.gigaspaces.client.ChangeSet;
import com.gigaspaces.query.IdQuery;

public class Counter {

    GigaSpace space = null;
    String id = null;

    public Counter(GigaSpace space, String id, String name, int initialValue) {
        this.space = space;
        this.id = id;
        CounterData counterData = new CounterData();
        counterData.setProperty(name, initialValue);
        counterData.setProperty("id", id);

    public Integer get(String name) throws Exception {
        return ChangeExtension.addAndGet(space, getSpaceDocumentIdQuery(id),
                name, 1);

    public void increment(String name, int value) {
                new ChangeSet().increment(name, value));

    public void decrement(String name, int value) {
                new ChangeSet().decrement(name, value));

    public void unset(String name) {
        space.change(getSpaceDocumentIdQuery(id), new ChangeSet().unset(name));

    private IdQuery<SpaceDocument> getSpaceDocumentIdQuery(String id) {
        return new IdQuery<SpaceDocument>(CounterData.TYPE_NAME, id);
package org.openspaces;

import org.openspaces.core.GigaSpace;

import com.gigaspaces.document.SpaceDocument;
import com.gigaspaces.metadata.SpaceTypeDescriptor;
import com.gigaspaces.metadata.SpaceTypeDescriptorBuilder;
import com.gigaspaces.metadata.index.SpaceIndexType;

public class CounterData extends SpaceDocument{
       public static final String TYPE_NAME = "CounterData";

       public CounterData() {

       static public void registerType(GigaSpace gigaspace) {
            // Create type descriptor:
            SpaceTypeDescriptor typeDescriptor =
                new SpaceTypeDescriptorBuilder(TYPE_NAME)
                // ... Other type settings
                .addFixedProperty("id", String.class)
                .idProperty("id" ,false , SpaceIndexType.EQUAL)
            // Register type: