Accessing a Secured Service Grid

When security is in place, the administration tools require credentials to securely access and operate the secured components. Access is granted to authenticated users, while operations are restricted based on the granted permission. For more information, refer to the Security for XAP Service Grid topic in the Getting Started guide (under the Data Grid Basics section).

To access a secured service grid:


gs.{sh/bat} --username=<user name> --password=<password> <command>


<GS_HOME>/bin/gs --username=user --password=pass  host list
<GS_HOME>/bin/gs.sh --username=user --password=pass  host list

Parameters and Options:

Item Name Description
Option username The user name.
Option password The password.

When security is enabled, the RESTClosed REpresentational State Transfer. Application Programming Interface An API, or application programming interface, is a set of rules that define how applications or devices can connect to and communicate with each other. A REST API is an API that conforms to the design principles of the REST, or representational state transfer architectural style. Manager API performs basic authentication and checks if the user has sufficient privileges to execute the operation.

For more information about using the REST Manager API in a secured environment, refer to the REST Manager API introductory page.

If you configured your GigaSpaces instance to run in secure mode using the -Dcom.gs.security.enabled=true property, you will see the following login window when the Web Management Console is started:


For more information about how to configure the Web Management Console for use in a secured environment, refer to the Web Management Console introductory page.

Refer to the Admin API topics in the Developer Guide.