Deploy with Command Line

GigaSpaces provides an interactive command line tool as part of the product. This can be started using command (referred to as GigaSpaces CLI).

This tool provides many commands that can be used to manage and gather information about the various GigaSpaces runtime components. This section describes the commands supported by GigaSpaces CLI.

In order to interact with a secured grid you need to log in first. See Using the CLI in a Secured Environment.



gs> deploy-application [-user xxx -password yyy] [-secured true/false] application_directory_or_zipfile


Deploys an application, which deploys one or more processing units in dependency order onto the service grid.


Option Description Value Format
-timeout Allows you to specify a timeout value (in milliseconds) when looking up the GSM to deploy to.
Defaults to 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds).
-timeout [timeoutValue]
-deploy-timeout Timeout for deploy operation (in milliseconds),
otherwise blocks until all successful/failed deployment events arrive (default)"
-deploy-timeout [timeoutValue]
-h / -help Prints help
-secured Deploys a secured processing unit (implicit when using -user/-password) - Using the CLI in a Secured Environment -secured [true/false]
-user -password Deploys a secured processing unit propagated with the supplied user and password - Using the CLI in a Secured Environment -user xxx -password yyyy

The following deploys the data-app example application (which includes a feeder and a processor).

gs> deploy-application examples/data/

The file includes:


application.xml file describes the application dependencies:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
    xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:context=""

    <context:annotation-config />

    <os-admin:application name="data-app">

        <os-admin:pu processing-unit="processor.jar"
            number-of-instances="2" number-of-backups="1"

The number of backups per partition is zero or one.

            max-instances-per-vm="1" max-instances-per-machine="0" />

        <os-admin:pu processing-unit="feeder.jar">
            <os-admin:depends-on name="processor" min-instances-per-partition="1"/>


Undeploy Application


gs> undeploy-application application_name


Undeploys an application from the service grid, while respecting pu dependency order.


Option Description Value Format
-timeout Allows you to specify a timeout value (in milliseconds) when looking up the GSM to deploy to.
Defaults to **5000 milliseconds (5 seconds).
-timeout [timeoutValue]
-undeploy-timeout Timeout for deploy operation (in milliseconds), otherwise blocks until all successful/failed deployment events arrive (default)" -undeploy-timeout [timeoutValue]
-h / -help Prints help
-secured Deploys a secured processing unit (implicit when using -user/-password) - Using the CLI in a Secured Environment -secured [true/false]
-user -password Deploys a secured processing unit propagated with the supplied user and password - Using the CLI in a Secured Environment -user xxx -password yyyy

The following undeploys the data-app example application (which includes a feeder and a processor).

gs> undeploy-application data-app

Deploy PU


gs> deploy [processing unit jar file / directory location / name]

The deploy command replaces the pudeploy command and is identical to it in terms of supported arguments and options. pudeploy is still supported but is considered a deprecated command and will be removed in future versions.


A Processing Unit can be easily deployed onto the Service Grid. In order to deploy a Processing Unit, the Processing Unit must follow the processing unit directory structure. Before deploying the processing unit you will need to jar it and then specify that jar file as the parameter to the deploy command. The deployment process will upload the jar file to all the GSMs it finds and unpack it under the deploy directory. It will then issue the deploy command.

You may use the GigaSpaces Universal Deployer to deploy complex multi processing unit applications.

Third Party jars Location and Property Files

Third party jars should be placed within one of the following locations:

  • Within the deployed jar under the lib folder - Good if you have relatively small amount of jars and few PU instances within the same GSC. These will be copied automatically by GigaSpaces during the deploy process to the $GS_HOME\work folder on all the machines running GSCs hosting the PU instances. You may control this folder location using the system property.

  • Within the $GS_HOME\lib\optional\pu-common folder for each machine running GSCs - Each PU instance will have its own instance of the loaded class. Speed up the deployed time. You may control this folder location using the system property.

  • Within the $GS_HOME\lib\platform\ext folder for each machine running GSCs - All PUs class loaders will share the same loaded class. Speed up the deployed time. Optimize the JVM perm gem space usage since all 3rd party jars are loaded only once. You may control this folder location using the com.gigaspaces.lib.platform.ext system property.

Property files and other resources should be jared and placed within any of the above locations.

Deploy Command Options

Option Description Value Format
Processing Unit Location/Name – mandatory The location of the processing unit directory or jar file on your file system (see this page).
If you are using a few options in the deploy command, pass this option as the last parameter.
For example: gs> deploy hello-world.jar
(hello-world.jar is the processing jar file).

Allows you to control the clustering characteristics of the processing unit.

The cluster option is a simplified option that overrides the cluster part of the processing unit's built in SLA (if such exists).

The following options are available (used automatically by any embedded space included in the Processing Unit):

  • schema – the cluster schema used by the Processing Unit.
  • total_members – the number of instances, optionally followed by the number of backups

(number of backups is required only if the partitioned schema is used).

The number of backups per partition is zero or one.

-cluster schema=[schema name]
-properties Allows you to control deployment properties. -properties [bean name] location
-properties embed Direct property injection -properties embed://user=admin
-sla Allows you to specify a link (default to file-system) to a Spring XML configuration, holding the SLA definition. -sla [slaLocation]
-zones Allows you to specify a list of deployment zones that are to restrict that the deployment to specific GSCs. -zones [zoneName1 zoneName2 ... ]
-timeout Allows you to specify a timeout value (in milliseconds) when looking up the GSM to deploy to.Defaults to 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds). -timeout [timeoutValue]
-override-name Allows you to specify an override name for the deployed Processing Unit
(a different name than the directory name under deploy).
Mainly used when using a Processing Unit as a template.
-override-name [processing unit name]
-max-instances-per-vm Allows you to set the SLA number of instances per VM
-max-instances-per-machine Allows you to set the SLA number of instances per machine
-max-instances-per-zone Allows you to set the SLA number of instances per zone in the format of zoneX/number,zoneY/number
-requires-isolation Allows to set the SLA requires isolation, if set to true only a single processing unit instance will deployed on a given GSC -requires-isolation [true/false]
h / help Prints help
-secured Deploys a secured processing unit (implicit when using -user/-password) - Using the CLI in a Secured Environment -secured [true/false]
-user -password Deploys a secured processing unit propagated with the supplied user and password - Using the CLI in a Secured Environment -user xxx -password yyyy

The following deploys a processing unit jar file named data-processor.jar using the sync_replicated cluster schema with 2 instances (total_members).

gs> deploy -cluster schema=sync_replicated total_members=2 data-processor.jar

The following deploys a processing unit archive called data-processor.jar using deployment properties file called

gs> deploy -properties file://config/ data-processor.jar

The following deploys a processing unit archive called data-processor.jar direct injecting the properties.

gs> deploy -properties embed://DB_username=postgres;DB_password=pass mirror

Using the following pu configuration:

<bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close">
    <property name="driverClassName" value="org.postgresql.Driver"/>
    <property name="url" value="jdbc:postgresql:presence"/>
    <property name="username" value="${DB_username}"/>
    <property name="password" value="${DB_password}"/>

The following deploys a processing unit archive called data-processor.jar using an SLA element read from an external sla.xml file.

gs> deploy -sla file://config/sla.xml data-processor.jar

The following example deploys a partitioned space cluster with the name mySpace for both the processing unit and the Space it contains.

deploy -cluster schema=partitioned total_members=2,1 -override-name mySpace -properties embed://dataGridName=mySpace myPUFolder

Multiple deployment properties can be injected by having ; between each property - see below example:

>gs deploy -cluster schema=partitioned total_members=10,1
-properties "embed://dataGridName=myIMDG;;space-config.engine.max_threads=256;mypropA=aaa;mypropB=bbb" -override-name myPU /tmp/myPu.jar

Undeploy App


gs> undeploy-application application_name


Undeploys an application from the service grid, while respecting pu dependency order.


Option Description Value Format
-timeout Allows you to specify a timeout value (in milliseconds) when looking up the GSM to deploy to.Defaults to 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds). -timeout [timeoutValue]
-undeploy-timeout Timeout for deploy operation (in milliseconds), otherwise blocks until all successful/failed deployment events arrive (default)" -undeploy-timeout [timeoutValue]
-h / -help Prints help
-secured Deploys a secured processing unit (implicit when using -user/-password) - Using the CLI in a Secured Environment -secured [true/false]
-user -password Deploys a secured processing unit propagated with the supplied user and password - Using the CLI in a Secured Environment -user xxx -password yyyy

The following undeploys the data-app example application (which includes a feeder and a processor).

gs> undeploy-application data-app

Deploy Memcached


gs> deploy-memcached [-sla ...] [-cluster ...] [-properties ...] [-user xxx -password yyy] [-secured true/false] space_url



Option Description Value Format
space_url The url of the space, can be embedded, eg: /./myMemcachedSpace, or remote eg: jini://*/*/myMemcachedSpace

Allows you to control the clustering characteristics of the processing unit.

The cluster option is a simplified option that overrides the cluster part of the processing unit's built in SLA (if such exists).

The following options are available (used automatically by any embedded space included in the Processing Unit):

  • schema – the cluster schema used by the Processing Unit.
  • total_members – the number of instances, optionally followed by the number of backups

(number of backups is required only if the partitioned schema is used).

The number of backups per partition is zero or one.

-cluster schema=[schema name]
-properties Allows you to control deployment properties. -properties [bean name] location
-sla Allows you to specify a link (defaults to file-system) to a Spring XML configuration, holding the SLA definition. -sla [slaLocation]
-zones Allows you to specify a list of deployment zones that are to restrict that the deployment to specific GSCs. -zones [zoneName1, zoneName2 ... ]
-timeout Allows you to specify a timeout value (in milliseconds) when looking up the GSM to deploy to.
Defaults to 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds).
-timeout [timeoutValue]
-max-instances-per-vm Allows you to set the SLA number of instances per VM
-max-instances-per-machine Allows you to set the SLA number of instances per machine
-max-instances-per-zone Allows you to set the SLA number of instances per zone in the format of zoneX/number,zoneY/number
-requires-isolation Allows to set the SLA requires isolation, if set to true only a single processing unit instance will deployed on a given GSC -requires-isolation [true/false]
h / help Prints help
-secured Deploys a secured processing unit (implicit when using -user/-password) - Using the CLI in a Secured Environment -secured [true/false]
-user -password Deploys a secured processing unit propagated with the supplied user and password - Using the CLI in a Secured Environment -user xxx -password yyyy

You can use the GigaSpaces Universal Deployer to deploy complex multi processing unit applications.

The following deploys a memcached-enabled space named mySpace using the partitioned cluster schema with 2 primaries and 1 primary per backup.

gs> deploy-memcached -cluster schema=partitioned total_members=2,1 mySpace

The following deploys a memcached-enabled space called mySpace using an SLA element read from an external sla.xml file.

gs> deploy-space -sla file://config/sla.xml mySpace

Deploy Space


gs> deploy-space [space name]


A Space only Processing Unit can be easily deployed onto the Service Grid.


Option Description Value Format
Space Name – mandatory The name of the space to be deployed.

Allows you to control the clustering characteristics of the space.

The following options are available (used automatically by any embedded space included in the Processing Unit):

  • schema – the cluster schema used by the Processing Unit.
  • total_members – the number of instances, optionally followed by the number of backups

(number of backups is required only if the partitioned schema is used).

-cluster schema=[schema name]
-properties Allows you to control deployment properties. -properties [bean name] location
-sla Allows you to specify a link (default to file-system) to a Spring XML configuration, holding the SLA definition. -sla [slaLocation]
-zones Allows you to specify a list of deployment zones that are to restrict that the deployment to specific GSCs. -zones [zoneName1, zoneName2 ... ]
-max-instances-per-vm Allows you to set the SLA number of instances per VM
-max-instances-per-machine Allows you to set the SLA number of instances per machine
-max-instances-per-zone Allows you to set the SLA number of instances per zone in the format of zoneX/number,zoneY/number
-requires-isolation Allows to set the SLA requires isolation, if set to true only a single processing unit instance will deployed on a given GSC -requires-isolation [true/false]
h / help Prints help
-secured Deploys a secured processing unit (implicit when using -user/-password) - Using the CLI in a Secured Environment -secured [true/false]
-user -password Deploys a secured processing unit propagated with the supplied user and password - Using the CLI in a Secured Environment -user xxx -password yyyy

You may use the GigaSpaces Universal Deployer to deploy complex multi processing unit applications.

The following deploys a space named mySpace using the sync_replicated cluster schema with 2 instances (total_members).

gs> deploy-space -cluster schema=sync_replicated total_members=2 mySpace

The following deploys a space named mySpace using deployment properties file called

gs> deploy-space -properties file://config/ mySpace

The following deploys a space called mySpace using an SLA element read from an external sla.xml file.

gs> deploy-space -sla file://config/sla.xml mySpace



usage: task ant-file [target=target-name]


The task command submits a task in the form of an Ant configuration file..


Option Description
ant-file The name of the Ant configuration file, an XML file representing the task. The file must reside in the current directory.
list-of-machines A comma-separated list of hostnames or of IP addresses, or the name of a file containing such a list, saying where to submit the Ant configuration file. By default, if machines are available, you receive a list to choose from. If no machines are currently available, are prompted to start an HTTP server.

Deployment States

This is a list of possible deployment states and their meaning.

State Description
BROKEN Indicates the deployment is deployed and is broken, where all required services are not available.
COMPROMISED Indicates the deployment is deployed and is compromised, where some specified services are not available.
DEPLOYED Indicates the deployment is deployed.
INTACT Indicates the deployment is deployed and is intact, where all specified services are available.
SCHEDULED Indicates the deployment is scheduled for deployment.
UNDEPLOYED Indicates the deployment is not deployed.

Hot Deploy

The Hot Deploy tool allows business logic running as a PU to be refreshed (rolling PU upgrade) without any system downtime and data loss. The tool uses the hot deploy approach , placing new PU code on the GSM PU deploy folder and later restart each PU instance.