Virtualized OS

For information on the platforms supported by GigaSpaces and GigaSpaces, refer to Supported Platforms in the version release notes.


When setting up a virtualized operating system, ensure that the following is configured:

  • Only Type 1 Hypervisor is recommended for production use.
  • The vCPU may be over-subscribed, if it is under-utilized (less than 50%). In environments with high CPU utilization, vCPU must be reserved (pinned).
  • Hyper-threading should be enabled.
  • vMEM must be reserved (pinned).

Other Considerations

The following additional planning issues should be taken into account:

  • Do not over-commit virtual memory.
  • Reserve memory at the virtual machine level.
  • When using replication, implement anti-affinity rules to ensure that the primary and backup nodes do not share the same virtual and machine physical host.
  • Reserve sufficient memory for the operating system (~2GB per VM).