
The SqlQuery class is used to query the space using SQL-like syntax. This query can be passed as a template to the Read, Take, ReadMultiple, TakeMultiple, Count and Clear operations, as well as a template when registering for notification.


An SqlQuery is composed from the type of entry to query, an expression in a SQL syntax and optionally one or more parameters which provide values for the expression.

Example 1

Read all entries of type Person whose Age is greater than or equal to 21.

Person[] persons = proxy.ReadMultiple<Person>(new SqlQuery<Person>("Age >= 21"));

Note that the expression is equivalent to the WHERE part of a query. The FROM part is derived from the generic argument of the SqlQuery class, and the SELECT part is not needed since the result is a fully-formed object.

Example 2

Read up to 100 entries of type Person whose Age is greater than or equal to 21, AND whose FirstName is John.

SqlQuery<Person> query = new SqlQuery<Person>("Age >= ? AND FirstName = ?");
query.SetParameter(1, 21);
query.SetParameter(2, "John");
Person[] persons = proxy.ReadMultiple<Person>(query, 100);

This time instead of specifying the values directly in the expression we've used question marks to denote expression variables and parameters to specify the values for those variables.

Supported SQL Features

SqlQuery supports the following:

  • AND / OR operators to combine two or more conditions.
  • All basic logical operations to create conditions: =, <>, <,>, >=, <=, like, NOT like, is null, is NOT null, IN.
  • Aggregate functions: COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG
  • ORDER BY (ASC | DESC) for multiple PONO properties. Supported only by readMultiple. ORDER BY supports also nested object fields. ORDER BY supports NULLS LAST to control the order behavior of a field when its value is null.
  • GROUP BY - performs DISTINCT on the PONO properties. Supported only by readMultiple. GROUP BY supports also nested object fields.
  • sysdate - current system date and time.
  • rownum - limits the number of rows to select.
  • Sub queries.

Comparing null values

SQLQuery comparisons will evaluate the non-null values for a field. If you want to include objects with null values in a SQLQuery you will need to add another condition to your clause.

For example, if you have an object with a property named message of type String, which is set to null and you write it to the space, then you write a SQLQuery with the where clause is: "message <> 'abcd'".

You may expect that the object with message = null gets returned in the query. However it doesn't, the comparison looks at only non-null values. To get the objects that are also null for message use: "message <> 'abcd' or message is null" to include objects whose message property is set to null.


It is highly recommended to use indexes on relevant properties to increase performance when using equality , bigger / less than , BETWEEN, IN , LIKE , NOT LIKE, IS NULL statements. For more information see Indexing. The above supported query features can leverage indexes except for the is NOT null and NOT IN statement.

Blocking Operations

Blocking operations (i.e. Read or Take with timeout greater than 0) are supported with the following restrictions:

  • Blocking operations on a partitioned space require a routing value (broadcast is not supported). For more information see Routing.
  • Blocking operations on complex queries are not supported. For more information see Simple Queries definition.
long timeout = 100000;
MyClass result = space.Take<MyClass>(new SqlQuery<MyClass>("Num > 500"), timeout);


When running on a partitioned space, it is important to understand how routing is determined for SQL queries. Routing is how the partitioned space determines on which partition a given data element is stored.

If the routing property is part of the criteria expression with an equality operand and without ORs, its value is used for routing.

For example, suppose the routing property of MyClass is Num:

// Execute query on partition #1
SqlQuery<MyClass> query1 = new SqlQuery<MyClass>("Num = 1");

// Execute query on all partitions -
// no way to tell which partitions hold matching results:
SqlQuery<MyClass> query2 = new SqlQuery<MyClass>("Num > 1");

// Execute query on all partitions -
// no way to tell which partitions hold matching results:
SqlQuery<MyClass> query3 = new SqlQuery<MyClass>("Num = 1 OR Name='smith'");

Note that in query1 the Num property is used both for routing and matching.

In some scenarios we may want to execute the query on a specific partition without matching the routing property (e.g. blocking operation). This can be done via the Routing property:

SqlQuery<MyClass> query = new SqlQuery<MyClass>("Num > 3");
query.Routing = 1;
MyClass[] result = space.ReadMultiple<MyClass>(query);



Since Enums are stored in the space as their underlying primitive type, they must be explicitly cast to that primitive type to be used with SqlQuery.

Simple vs. Complex Queries

Most space operations and features support any SQL query, but some support only simple queries and not complex ones.

A query is considered complex if it contains one or more of the following:

  • Subqueries

The following features support only simple SQL queries

  • Snapshot
  • Blocking operations
  • Notifications
  • SpaceIterator

Unsupported SQL Features

SqlQuery does not support the following:
- Multiple tables select. - DISTINCT - The SQL statements: VIEW, TRIGGERS, EXISTS, BETWEEN, NOT, CREATE USER, GRANT, REVOKE, SET PASSWORD, CONNECT USER, ON. - Constraints: NOT NULL, IDENTITY, UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, Foreign Key/REFERENCES, NO ACTION, CASCADE, SET NULL, SET DEFAULT, CHECK. - Set operations: Union, Minus, Union All. - Advanced Aggregate Functions: STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, VARP, FIRST, LAST. - Mathematical expressions. - LEFT OUTER JOIN - RIGHT OUTER JOIN - INNER JOIN

Reserved Words

The following are reserved keywords in the GigaSpaces SQL syntax:
alter add all and asc avg between by create call drop desc bit tinyint end from group in is like rlike max min not null or distinct order select substr sum sysdate upper where count delete varchar2 char exception rownum index insert into set table to_char to_number smallint update union values commit rollback uid using as date datetime time float real double number decimal numeric boolean integer varchar bigint long clob blob lob true false int timestamp longvarchar

Reserved Separators and Operators:

Reserved syntax:
:= || ; . ROWTYPE ~ < <= > >= => != <> (+) ( ) * / + - ? { }