Deploying a Processing Unit
To deploy a Processing Unit to the Service Grid:
gs.{sh/bat} pu deploy
Deploys a Processing Unit to the service grid.
Parameters and Options:
Item | Name | Description |
Parameter | name | Name of the Processing Unit to deploy |
Parameter | file | Path to the Processing Unit file (.jar or .zip). |
Option | backups=<backups> | Specify the number of backups per partition. Can be zero or one. |
Option | instances=<instances> | Number of instances. |
Option | max-instances-per-machine=<maxInstancesPerMachine> | Define the maximum number of instances on same machine (from each partition). |
Option | max-instances-per-vm=<maxInstancesPerVM> | Define the maximum number of instances on same VM (from each partition). |
Option | partitions=<partitions> | Number of partitions. |
Option | property=<String,String> | Context properties. |
Option | properties=<properties> | Location of context-level properties file. |
Option | schema=<schema> | Cluster schema/topology (partitioned, sync_replicated, async_replicated). |
Option | requires-isolation |
If this Processing Unit should not share a container, adding this option provisions the Processing Unit in a dedicated container. |
Option | zones=<zones> | Define which zones can host this Processing Unit. |
Option | primary-zones=<a,b,c> | Define a list of preferred zones for primary instances (applies only when Deterministic Deployment is configured). |
The "requires isolation" configuration for Processing Units is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Input Example:
This example deploys a PU named myPu with 2 partitions using the mypu.jar file.
<GS_HOME>/bin/gs pu deploy --partitions=2 myPu mypu.jar
<GS_HOME>/bin/ pu deploy --partitions=2 myPu mypu.jar
POST /pus
Deploys a Processing Unit to the service grid.
curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: text/plain' -d '{ \
"name": "myPu", \
"resource": "myPu.jar", \
"sla": { \
"requiresIsolation": true, \
"zones": [ \
"string" \
], \
"maxInstancesPerVM": 1, \
"maxInstancesPerMachine": 1 \
}, \
"contextProperties": {} \
}' 'http://localhost:8090/v1/deployments'
Option | Description | Required |
name | Name of the Processing Unit. | Yes |
resource | File/Path to the Processing Unit file (.jar or .zip). | Yes |
schema | Type of clustering schema/topology to use. | No |
instances | Number of instances to deploy. | No |
partitions | Number of partitions. | No |
backupsPerPartition | Number of backups per partition. Can be zero or one. | No |
requiresIsolation | If this Processing Unit should not share a container, adding this option provisions the Processing Unit in a dedicated container. | No |
zones | Which zones can host this processing unit. | No |
primaryZones | Define a list of preferred zones for primary instances (applies only when Deterministic Deployment is configured). | No |
contextProperties | Context properties. | No |
The "requires isolation" configuration for Processing Units is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
- From the Deploy menu on the menu bar, select Processing Unit.
In the Processing Unit Deployment dialog box, do the following:
- To search an external repository for the relevant resource file, select the Upload jar/war/zip file option, click the Browse button next to the Upload file box, and select the required file.
- To use a local resource file, select the Select from list option and select the required file from the dropdown list.
- (Optional) If you want this Processing Unit to have a different name from the one specified in the resource file, type the new name in the Override Processing Unit name box.
- (Optional) If you want this Processing Unit to be secure, do the following In the User Login Details area:
- Select Secured Space.
- Provide the user credentials in the User Name and Password boxes.
In the Cluster Info area, apply the required configuration details:
- In the Cluster schema box, specify the SLA definitions (cluster topology):
- None - A standalone Processing Unit with an embedded Space.
- Partitioned - A cluster that is partitioned across the instances that are specified.
- Sync_replicated - A cluster with synchronous replication across the instances that are specified.
- Async_replicated - A cluster with asynchronous replication across the instances that are specified.
- In the Number of Instances box, specify the number of primary Processing Unit instances to deploy in the cluster.
- (For partitioned clusters) In the Number of Backups box, define the number of backup Processing Units for each primary Processing Unit.
The number of backups can be zero or one.
- In the Max Inst. per VM box, define the maximum number of Processing Unit instances each virtual host may contain (the default is 1).
- In the Max Inst. per VM box, define the maximum number of Processing Unit instances each physical host may contain.
- If you have more than one host, you can specify on which host to deploy the primary Processing Unit instances.
- In the Cluster schema box, specify the SLA definitions (cluster topology):
Click Deploy.
Refer to the GigaSpaces Management Center topics in the Administration section.
Refer to the Admin API topics in the Developer Guide.