User-Role Management

Customize user/role management to meet your application requirements

The DirectoryManager interface provides an API for managing users and roles. Implementing this interface is optional - and is usually the case if you have an external tool that manages it for you.

From the DirectoryManager you can gain a UserManager interface and a RoleManager interface. Use the UserManager interface to create, delete, update UserDetails and the RoleManager interface to create, delete, update RoleDetails. This is just a logical separation - in reality you can choose how you want your users to be stored, and how you structure the one-to-many role to user relationship.

GigaSpaces security is not aware of the directory at all. As long as the authentication process manages to access the user storage, authenticate the user and return all its authorities.

Sample usage of the DirectoryManager API

In the Hello World example, we presented a way to declare the users using the UI. It can also be done using the DirectoryManager API.

Using the API we would like to declare the following:

The helloProcessor user will be granted Take access for HelloObject and Write access for ProcessedHelloObject. The helloFeeder user will be granted Write access for HelloObject and Read access for ProcessedHelloObject.

The GigaSpaces User is the default implementation of UserDetails. It accepts an array or a sequence of Authority-ies (varargs). Here we added the ClassFilter to restrict access to this specific class.

Properties securityProperties = new Properties();
SecurityManager securityManager = SecurityFactory.createSecurityManager(securityProperties);

DirectoryManager directoryManager = securityManager.createDirectoryManager(new User("admin", "admin"));
UserManager userManager = directoryManager.getUserManager();

userManager.createUser(new User("helloProcessor", "helloWorld",
        new SpaceAuthority(SpacePrivilege.TAKE, new ClassFilter("org.openspaces.example.helloworld.common.HelloObject")),
        new SpaceAuthority(SpacePrivilege.WRITE, new ClassFilter("org.openspaces.example.helloworld.common.HelloObject"))

userManager.createUser(new User("helloFeeder", "feedTheWorld",
        new SpaceAuthority(SpacePrivilege.WRITE, new ClassFilter("org.openspaces.example.helloworld.common.HelloObject")),
        new SpaceAuthority(SpacePrivilege.READ, new ClassFilter("org.openspaces.example.helloworld.common.HelloObject"))
