Spark Streaming

This section describes how to save computation results from the Spark Streaming application to the Data Grid. There are two possible use cases where you may want to save computation results to the Data Grid, after DStream transformation or from the Spark driver.

Saving DStream to the Data Grid

To save a DStream, import implicit package and use saveToGrid() method, e.g.

import org.insightedge.spark.implicits.all._

val stream = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, None)
val hashTagStrings = stream.flatMap(status => status.getText.split(" ").filter(_.startsWith("#")))
val hashTags = => new HashTag(tag))

Saving from Spark Driver

Sometimes you may want to save computation results from the Spark driver. Use saveToGrid() or saveMultipleToGrid() methods available on the SparkContext, e.g.

topCountsStream.foreachRDD { rdd =>
  val topList = rdd.take(10)
  val topTags = new TopTags(topList.toMap)