Nested Property Index

An index can be defined on a nested property to improve performance of nested queries - this is highly recommended. Nested properties indexing uses an additional @SpaceIndex attribute - path().

The SpaceIndex.path() Attribute

The path() attribute represents the path of the property within the nested object.

Below is an example of defining an index on a nested property:

public class Person {
    private int id;
    private Info personalInfo;
    private String description;
    //getter and setter methods

    // this defines and ORDERED index on the personalInfo.socialSecurity property
    @SpaceIndex(path = "socialSecurity", type = SpaceIndexType.ORDERED)
    public Info getPersonalInfo() {
         return personalInfo;

public static class Info implements Serializable {
    private String name;
    private Address address;
    private Date birthday;
    private long socialSecurity;
    private int _id;
    //getter and setter methods

public static class Address implements Serializable {
    private int zipCode;
    private String street;
    //getter and setter methods

Multiple annotations to a field can be written using repeatable annotations instead of compound annotations, as show below.

With compound annotations:

@SpaceIndexes( { @SpaceIndex(path = "socialSecurity", type = SpaceIndexType.ORDERED), @SpaceIndex(path = "address.zipCode", type = SpaceIndexType.EQUAL)}) 

With repeatable annotations:

@SpaceIndex(path = "socialSecurity", type = SpaceIndexType.ORDERED)
@SpaceIndex(path = "address.zipCode", type = SpaceIndexType.EQUAL)

public static class Person {
    private int id;
    private Info personalInfo;
    private String description;
    private HashMap<String, String> map;

    //getter and setter methods

    // this defines several indexes on the same personalInfo property
     @SpaceIndexes( { @SpaceIndex(path = "socialSecurity", type = SpaceIndexType.ORDERED),
              @SpaceIndex(path = "address.zipCode", type = SpaceIndexType.EQUAL)})
    public Info getPersonalInfo() {
         return personalInfo;

    // this defines indexes on map keys
    @SpaceIndexes(  {@SpaceIndex(path="key1" , type = SpaceIndexType.EQUAL),
            @SpaceIndex(path="key2" , type = SpaceIndexType.EQUAL)})
    public HashMap<String, String> getMap() {
        return map;
    public void setMap(HashMap<String, String> map) { = map;

public static class Info implements Serializable {
    private String name;
    private Address address;
    private Date birthday;
    private long socialSecurity;
    private int _id;
    //getter and setter methods

public static class Address implements Serializable {
    private int zipCode;
    private String street;
    //getter and setter methods
    <class name="com.gigaspaces.examples.Person"  >
         <property name="personalInfo">
        <index path="socialSecurity" type = "ordered"/>
        <index path="address.zipCode" type = "equal"/>

The following is an example of query code that automatically triggers this index:

SQLQuery<Person> query = new SQLQuery<Person>(Person.class,
    "personalInfo.socialSecurity<10000050L and personalInfo.socialSecurity>=10000010L");

For more information, see the SQL Query page.

The same indexing techniques above are also applicable to Map-based nested properties, which means that in the example above the Info and Address classes could be replaced with a java.util.Map<String,Object>, with the map keys representing the property names.