04 December 2022

Processing Unit

GigaSpaces allows to configure, package and deploy a Processing Unit. The OpenSpaces Mule integration allows you to run a pure Mule application (with or without OpenSpaces special extension points and transports) as a Processing Unit.


In order to run Mule as a Processing Unit within the pu.xml file (which is a Spring application context), the following needs to be defined:

<bean class="org.openspaces.esb.mule.pu.OpenSpacesMuleContextLoader"> <property name="location" value="/META-INF/spring/mule.xml"/> </bean>

In the example above, the OpenSpacesMuleContextLoader loads a Mule application as defined in the mule.xml configuration file. The location parameter is optional and defaults to the value specified in the example above.


Packaging of the Processing Unit should follow the Processing Unit structure.

When deploying a Processing Unit into the SLA-driven container, Mule JAR files should be "installed" into the GigaSpaces installation (on each node). The following minimum set of JARs need to be copied into $GS_HOME\lib\platform\mule (if the Mule directory does not exists, create it).

  • Download Mule 3.7 distribution from mule's website and extract the file.

  • Copy the following JAR files from <Mule Root>\lib\mule to $GS_HOME\lib\platform\mule: mule-commons, mule-core, mule-core-tests, mule-module-annotations, mule-module-client, mule-module-jbossts, mule-module-spring-config, mule-module-spring-extras, mule-mvel2-2.1.9-MULE-003, mule-transport-http, mule-transport-quartz, mule-transport-stdio, mule-transport-vm . Other transports (if used) should be copied as well.

  • Copy the following JAR files from <Mule Root>\lib\opt to $GS_HOME\lib\platform\mule: commons-beanutils, commons-io, commons-lang, dom4j, guava, jaxen, quartz, uuid, jgrapht-jdk1.5. Other required JAR files can be copied as well (or they can be put in the Processing Unit lib directory).

  • Copy the following JAR files from <Mule Root>\lib\boot to $GS_HOME\lib\platform\mule: commons-cli, log4j, mule-module-logging, wrapper. Other required JAR files can be copied as well (or they can be put in the Processing Unit lib directory).

The required mule jar files can also be placed within the processing unit lib directory, without "installing" mule into each GSC node installation.

Packaging for Mule example

In the Mule ESB example, the following jars are required and should be placed under $GS_HOME\lib\platform\mule

commons-beanutils-1.8.0.jar commons-cli-1.2.jar commons-io-1.4.jar commons-lang-2.4.jar dom4j-1.6.1.jar guava-16.0.1.jar jaxen-1.1.1.jar jgrapht-jdk1.5-0.7.3.jar log4j-1.2.16.jar mule-common-3.7.0.jar mule-core-3.7.0.jar mule-core-3.7.0-tests.jar mule-module-annotations-3.7.0.jar mule-module-client-3.7.0.jar mule-module-jbossts-3.7.0.jar mule-module-logging-3.7.0.jar mule-module-spring-config-3.7.0.jar mule-module-spring-extras-3.7.0.jar mule-mvel2-2.1.9-MULE-003.jar mule-transport-http-3.7.0.jar mule-transport-quartz-3.7.0.jar mule-transport-stdio-3.7.0.jar mule-transport-vm-3.7.0.jar quartz-1.8.5.jar uuid-3.4.0.jar wrapper-3.2.3.jar


Once the Processing Unit is packaged, it can be run using the different options that come with OpenSpaces: