Managing the GigaSpaces Product Version


You can manage the GigaSpaces product and version that you want to deploy. For example, you may want to do a rolling upgrade of the GigaSpaces version that is running on your cluster. As part of your planning, you may need to deploy the newer version or the older version of the product when assessing features and system behavior.

The config command has the following sub-commands:

  • product-version - lists the product versions that are available for you to deploy (this affects the services and managers in your cluster).
  • product-type -lists the GigaSpaces products (XAP or GigaSpaces)
  • artifact-repo - used to specify the path to the artifact repository that the gsctl will use when deploying the software. You can specify a custom repository, or use the one that's part of the GigaSpaces software package out of the box.

To deploy a specific product version:

  1. Type the following command to view the list of available product versions:

    config product-version ls
  2. Type the following command to specify the product version to use in the cluster:

    config product-version use 15.2.0
  3. Type the following command to specify a custom artifact repository, instead of the default:

    config artifact-repo use http://myrepo/jars