Viewing Data Types

To view data types in the Space:

In the Space overview page, click a Space to drill down.

Within this page, the IT administrator or developer can review the Object Type properties and metrics.

For each Object type, you can view the following properties at the bottom of the page:

Parameter Description
Number of entries The Object Type data distribution between the deployed partitions of the service. It is possible to review the number of entries per partition and identify situations where the data partitioning is unbalanced.
Name Name of the data object
Number of reads The distribution of application reads to the Object Type and split between the deployed partitions
ID Pointer to the primary key of the data type in the Space
Indexes By clicking on the indexes tab, it is possible to review the list of indexes defined for the Object Type. Also shows used properties per each index and its type - e.g. regular, composite etc.
Routing Pointer to the field that identifies the Space partition.
Notify containers How many instances of this object type match a template in an event container.
SQL editor

Press on the SQL Editor tab to see a SQL SELECT statement for the selected Object Type, in the example below, the Persons Object.

Press Run Query. The results will appear in the Query Results table on the bottom of the page.

The user can edit the query, for example:

SELECT * FROM "" where personname LIKE '%Person 1%' LIMIT 10


Space data details


gs.{sh/bat} space info --type-stats <name>


This command shows data type information for the specified Space: Entry class, number of entries, notify templates.

Input Example:

<GS_HOME>/bin/gs space info --type-stats mySpace
<GS_HOME>/bin/ space info --type-stats mySpace

Output Example:


Parameters and Options:

Item Name Description
Parameter <name> Provide the name of the Space for which you want to see the data type details.

Space instance data details


gs.{sh/bat} space info-instance --type-stats <instance ID>


This command shows data type information for the specified Space instance: Entry class, number of entries, notify templates.

Input Example:

<GS_HOME>/bin/gs space info-instance --type-stats mySpace~1_1
<GS_HOME>/bin/ space info-instance --type-stats mySpace~1_1

Output Example:


Parameters and Options:

Item Name Description
Parameter instance ID Provide the instance ID of the Space instance for which you want to see the data type details.

To view Space data types:


GET /spaces/{id}/statistics/types


The data entries in the Space are listed.

Example Request:

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:8090/v2/spaces/alertSpace/statistics/types'

Example Response:

  "java.lang.Object": {
    "entries": 0,
    "notifyTemplates": 0


Option Description Required
space name Provide the name of the Space for which you want to see the data type details. Yes

To view Space Instance data types:


GET /spaces/{id}/instances/{instanceId}/statistics/types


The data entries in the Space instance are listed.

Example Request:

curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'http://localhost:8090/v2/spaces/alertSpace/instances/alertSpace~1/statistics/types'

Example Response:

  "java.lang.Object": {
    "entries": 0,
    "notifyTemplates": 0


Option Description Required
space name Provide the name of the Space. Yes
instanceId Provide the instance Id of the Space for which you want to see the data type details. Yes
  1. In the Spaces view, highlight the Space or Space instance where you want to see the data types.
  2. Display the Types pane in the lower area of the view.
  3. You can view the following information per data type:

    Item Description
    Data Type Name Name of the data type.
    Instances Count How many instances of this data type are currently in the Space.
    Templates Count How many instances of this data type match a template in an event container.
    Space ID Pointer to the primary key of the data type in the Space.
    Space Routing Pointer to the field that identifies the Space partition.
    Indexes Displays which fields of the data type are indexed.

    Additionally, when you drill through a data type, you can see the following additional information:

    Item Description
    Member Name Name of the field in the data type.
    Member Type Type of field.
    Storage Type How the data type is stored (object, binary, or compressed).
    Indexes Index type for the member of the data type.
  4. To filter the data type table, type an alphanumeric value in the Filter box.

Refer to the Admin API topics in the Developer Guide.