Geospatial API

This section gives a brief overview of Geospatial API and describes how to use it with Spark RDD and DataFrames.

For a detailed description of the Geospatial queries refer to Geospatial Queries for more info.


Data Grid supports next shapes, all of them are located at org.openspaces.spatial.shapes package:

Shape Description
Point A point, denoted by X and Y coordinates.
LineString A finite sequence of one or more consecutive line segments.
Circle A circle, denoted by a point and a radius.
Rectangle A rectangle aligned with the axis (for non-aligned rectangles use Polygon).
Polygon A finite sequence of consecutive line segments which denotes a bounded area.

To create a shape, use the ShapeFactory class, for example:

import org.openspaces.spatial.ShapeFactory

val userLocation = ShapeFactory.point(10, 10)


Geospatial API currently supports three operations: intersect, within and contains.

Intersect returns true when the intersection between shape1 and shape2 is not empty - some or all of shape1 overlaps some or all of shape2.

import org.insightedge.spark.implicits.all._
import org.openspaces.spatial.ShapeFactory._

// RDD
val rdd = sc.gridSql[SpatialData]("area spatial:intersects ?", Seq(circle(point(10,10), 10)))

// DataFrames
val df =[SpatialData]
val data = df.filter(df("area") geoIntersects circle(point(10,10), 10))

Within returns true when shape1 is within (contained in) shape2, boundaries inclusive.

import org.insightedge.spark.implicits.all._
import org.openspaces.spatial.ShapeFactory._

// RDD
val rdd = sc.gridSql[SpatialData]("location spatial:within ?", Seq(circle(point(10,10), 10)))

// DataFrames
val df =[SpatialData]
val data = df.filter(df("location") geoWithin circle(point(10,10), 10))

Contains returns true when shape1 contains shape2, boundaries inclusive.

import org.insightedge.spark.implicits.all._
import org.openspaces.spatial.ShapeFactory._

// RDD
val rdd = sc.gridSql[SpatialData]("area spatial:contains ?", Seq(point(10,10)))

// DataFrames
val df =[SpatialData]
val data = df.filter(df("area") geoContains point(10,10))


You can define Geospatial index using the @SpaceSpatialIndex and @SpaceSpatialIndexes annotations:

import org.insightedge.scala.annotation._
import org.openspaces.spatial.shapes.Point

import scala.beans.BeanProperty

case class GasStation(
    @BeanProperty @SpaceId var id: Long,
    @BeanProperty @SpaceSpatialIndex var location: Point) {
    def this() = this(-1, null)

To read more about indexing fields in Data Grid, refer to Geospatial Index.

Zeppelin Notebook

A great place to start experimenting with the Geospatial API is the Zeppelin notebook - check out the "GigaSpaces GeoSpatial' notebook.

If you're using Windows, you'll need to manually copy the jars from INSIGHTEDGE_HOME\datagrid\lib\optional\spatial to the Spark jars folder (INSIGHTEDGE_HOME\jars) to use this notebook. We're working of fixing that for the next release.