Elastic Deployment with Command Line

In order to interact with a secured grid you need to login first. See Using the CLI in a Secured Environment.



gs> deploy-application [-user xxx -password yyy] [-secured true/false] application_directory_or_zipfile


Deploys an application, which deploys one or more processing units in dependency order onto the service grid.

Deploying an application that is a mixture of elastic and non-elastic spaces/processing units may end with the non-elastic spaces/processing units deployed on GSCs which are shared with elastic spaces/processing units that the ESM has started.

To avoid such behavior, you should start your GSCs with zones and specifies these zones in the processing unit properties.


The following deploys the data-app example application (which includes a feeder and a processor).

gs> deploy-application examples/data/dist.zip

The dist.zip file includes:


application.xml file describes the application dependencies:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-4.3.xsd
    http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-4.3.xsd
    http://www.openspaces.org/schema/admin http://www.openspaces.org/schema/14.2/admin/openspaces-admin.xsd">

    <context:annotation-config />

    <os-admin:application name="data-app">

            <os-admin:depends-on name="elasticSpace"/>

        <os-admin:elastic-space name="elasticSpace" max-memory-capacity-in-mb="32" memory-capacity-per-container-in-mb="32" highly-available="false">
            <os-admin:depends-on name="nonElasticSpace"/>

        <os-admin:space name="nonElasticSpace" cluster-schema="partitioned" number-of-instances="1" number-of-backups="0" zones="nonElasticSpaceZone">

The number of backups per partition is zero or one.


        <os-admin:pu processing-unit="feeder.jar" zones="nonElasticPUZone">
            <os-admin:depends-on name="processor" min-instances-per-partition="1"/>


A dedicated machine provisioning config can be provided to elastic space/pu element:

<os-admin:discovered-machine-provisioning-config id="myConfig" grid-service-agents-zones="zone1,zone2" reserved-memory-capacity-per-machine-in-mb="1024"/>

<os-admin:elastic-space name="elasticSpace" max-memory-capacity-in-mb="32" memory-capacity-per-container-in-mb="32" highly-available="false">
    <os-admin:dedicated-machine-provisioning elastic-machine-provisioning-config="myConfig"/>

You can also use the shared machine provisioning config that allows two processing units to share the same machine:

<os-admin:discovered-machine-provisioning-config id="myConfig" grid-service-agents-zones="zone1,zone2" reserved-memory-capacity-per-machine-in-mb="1024"/>

<os-admin:elastic-space name="firstElasticSpace" max-memory-capacity-in-mb="32" memory-capacity-per-container-in-mb="32" highly-available="false">
    <os-admin:shared-machine-provisioning sharing-id="sId" elastic-machine-provisioning-config="myConfig"/>

<os-admin:elastic-space name="secondElasticSpace" max-memory-capacity-in-mb="32" memory-capacity-per-container-in-mb="32" highly-available="false">
    <os-admin:shared-machine-provisioning sharing-id="sId" elastic-machine-provisioning-config="myConfig"/>


Option Description Value Format
-timeout Allows you to specify a timeout value (in milliseconds) when looking up the GSM to deploy to.
Defaults to 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds).
-timeout [timeoutValue]
-deploy-timeout Timeout for deploy operation (in milliseconds),
otherwise blocks until all successful/failed deployment events arrive (default)"
-deploy-timeout [timeoutValue]
-h / -help Prints help
-secured Deploys a secured processing unit (implicit when using -user/-password) - Using the CLI in a Secured Environment) -secured [true/false]
-user -password Deploys a secured processing unit propagated with the supplied user and password - Using the CLI in a Secured Environment) -user xxx -password yyyy

Undeploy Application


gs> undeploy-application application_name


Undeploys an application from the service grid, while respecting pu dependency order.


The following undeploys the data-app example application (which includes a feeder and a processor).

gs> undeploy-application data-app


Option Description Value Format
-timeout Allows you to specify a timeout value (in milliseconds) when looking up the GSM to deploy to.
Defaults to 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds).
-timeout [timeoutValue]
-undeploy-timeout Timeout for deploy operation (in milliseconds), otherwise blocks until all successful/failed deployment events arrive (default)" -undeploy-timeout [timeoutValue]
-h / -help Prints help
-secured Deploys a secured processing unit (implicit when using -user/-password) - Using the CLI in a Secured Environment) -secured [true/false]
-user -password Deploys a secured processing unit propagated with the supplied user and password - Using the CLI in a Secured Environment -user xxx -password yyyy

Deploy Elastic Space

The Elastic Processing Unit is deprecated as of version 12.1, as noted in the Release Notes.


gs> deploy-elastic-space [options] [space name]


An Elastic Space only Processing Unit can be easily deployed onto the Service Grid.

Deploying an elastic space requires at least one ESM to be running.

The options' order is important as some overrides others.


The following deploys an elastic space named mySpace with memory-capacity-per-container=32m and number-of-partitions=8.

gs> deploy-elastic-space -memory-capacity-per-container 32m -number-of-partitions 8 mySpace

The following deploys an elastic space named mySpace with manual scale strategy and memory-capacity=128m.

gs> deploy-elastic-space -memory-capacity-per-container 32m -max-memory-capacity 256m -scale strategy=manual memory-capacity=128m mySpace

The following deploys a secured elastic space called mySpace with max-memory-capacity equals to 256m.

gs> deploy-elastic-space -memory-capacity-per-container 32m -max-memory-capacity 256m -secured true -user myusername -password mypassword mySpace

The following specifies command line arguments.

gs> deploy-elastic-space -cmdargs "-Xms2g,-Xmx10g" -max-memory-capacity 20g mySpace


Option Description Value Format
Space Name
The name of the space to be deployed.
-mcpc, -memory-capacity-per-container
Specifies the the heap size per GSC. -mcpc [number[m/g]]
-mmc, -max-memory-capacity
Specifies an estimate of the maximum memory capacity for this processing unit.
(*)Either -max-memory-capacity or -number-of-partitions option must be provided.
-mcc [number[m/g]]
-nop, -number-of-partitions
Defines the number of processing unit partitions.
(*)Either -max-memory-capacity or -number-of-partitions option must be provided.
-nop [number]
-nobpp, -number-of-backups-per-partition Specifies the number of backup processing unit instances per partition.
This is an advanced property.

The number of backups per partition is zero or one.

`-nobpp [number]
-mnocc, -max-number-of-cpu-cores Specifies an estimate for the maximum total number of cpu cores used by this processing unit. -mnooc [number]
-smd, -single-machine-deployment Allows deployment of the processing unit on a single machine.
Defaults to false.
-smd [true/false]
-ha, -highly-available Specifies if each space partition has a backup instance.
True by default.
-ha [true/false]
-secured Deploys a secured processing unit (implicit when using -user/-password).
Defaults to false.
-secured [true/false]
-user -password Deploys a secured processing unit propagated with the supplied user and password - Using the CLI in a Secured Environment -user xxx -password yyyy
-dmp, -dedicated-machine-provisioning Configure the server side bean that starts and stops machines automatically. -dmp [dedicated machine provisioning properties]
dedicated machine provisioning properties
-smp, -shared-machine-provisioning Configure the server side bean that starts and stops machines automatically.
The machines returned by the machine provisioner will be shared by other processing unit instances with the same sharingId.
-smd [shared machine provisioning properties]
shared machine provisioning properties
-scale Enables the specified scale strategy, and disables all other scale strategies.
Defaults to eager scale strategy.
-scale [scale properties]
scale properties
-timeout Timeout for deploy operation.
Defaults to 120 seconds.
-timeout [timeout in seconds]
-uof, -undeploy-on-failure Undeploy the processing unit if the deploy process is not completed within the timeout frame.
Defaults to false.
-uof [true/false]
-cmdargs, -command-line-args Adds the arguments as JVM level arguments when the process is executed using pure JVM.
Note the quotes in the value.
-cmdargs ["comma separated list of args"]
-ctxp, -context-properties Defines a context deploy time property overriding any ${...} -ctxp key1=value1 key2=value2

Deploy Elastic PU


gs> deploy-elastic-pu [options] [-puname ...] [-file ...] [space name]


An Elastic PU only Processing Unit can be easily deployed onto the Service Grid.

Deploying an elastic pu requires at least one ESM to be running.

The options' order is important as some overrides others.


The following deploys an elastic stateless pu from file.

gs> deploy-elastic-pu -type stateless -memory-capacity-per-container 32m -file /home/user/feeder.jar

The following deploys an elastic stateful pu from file with manual scale strategy and memory-capacity=128m.

gs> deploy-elastic-pu -type stateful -memory-capacity-per-container 32m -max-memory-capacity 256m -scale strategy=manual memory-capacity=128m -file /home/user/processor.jar

The following deploys a secured stateful pu with -puname option.

gs> deploy-elastic-pu -type stateful -memory-capacity-per-container 32m -number-of-partitions 8 -puname feeder


Option Description Value Format
Specifies the processing unit type.
Options are: stateful, stateless.
-type [stateful/stateless]
Processing unit file path (processing unit jar/zip file or a directory).
(*)Either -file or -puname option must be provided.
-file /home/user/myprocessingunit.jar
Processing unit name (should exists under the [GS ROOT]/deploy directory).
(*)Either-file or -puname option must be provided.
-puname processor
-name Overrides the Processing Unit's name -name myProcessingUnitName
-mcpc, -memory-capacity-per-container
Specifies the the heap size per GSC. -mcpc [number[m/g]]
-secured Deploys a secured processing unit (implicit when using -user/-password).
Defaults to false.
-secured [true/false]
-user -password Deploys a secured processing unit propagated with the supplied user and password - Using the CLI in a Secured Environment -user xxx -password yyyy
-dmp, -dedicated-machine-provisioning Configure the server side bean that starts and stops machines automatically. -dmp [dedicated machine provisioning properties]
dedicated machine provisioning properties
-smp, -shared-machine-provisioning Configure the server side bean that starts and stops machines automatically.
The machines returned by the machine provisioner will be shared by other processing unit instances with the same sharingId.
-smd [shared machine provisioning properties]
shared machine provisioning properties
-scale Enables the specified scale strategy, and disables all other scale strategies.
Defaults to eager scale strategy.
-scale [scale properties]
scale properties
-timeout Timeout for deploy operation.
Defaults to 120 seconds.
-timeout [timeout in seconds]
-uof, -undeploy-on-failure Undeploy the processing unit if the deploy process is not completed within the timeout frame.
Defaults to false.
-uof [true/false]
-cmdargs, -command-line-args Adds the arguments as JVM level arguments when the process is executed using pure JVM.
Note the quotes in the value.
-cmdargs ["comma separated list of args"]
-ctxp, -context-properties Defines a context deploy time property overriding any ${...} -ctxp key1=value1 key2=value2

The following options are supported with a stateful elastic PU only.

Option Description Value Format
-mmc, -max-memory-capacity
Specifies an estimate of the maximum memory capacity for this processing unit.
(*)Either -max-memory-capacity or -number-of-partitions option must be provided.
-mcc [number[m/g]]
-nop, -number-of-partitions
Defines the number of processing unit partitions.
(*)Either -max-memory-capacity or -number-of-partitions option must be provided.
-nop [number]
-nobpp, -number-of-backups-per-partition Specifies the number of backup processing unit instances per partition.
This is an advanced property, default to 1

The number of backups per partition is zero or one.

-nobpp [number]
-mnocc, -max-number-of-cpu-cores Specifies an estimate for the maximum total number of cpu cores used by this processing unit. -mnooc [number]
-smd, -single-machine-deployment Allows deployment of the processing unit on a single machine.
Defaults to false.
-smd [true/false]
-ha, -highly-available Specifies if each space partition has a backup instance.
True by default.
-ha [true/false]

Dedicated Machine Provisioning Properties


The following provisioning properties may be used with the -dedicated-machine-provisioning [provisioning properties] option in deploy-elastic-space and deploy-elastic-pu commands.


The following deploys an elastic space named mySpace with zones [zone1,zone2] while taking into consideration a reserved 1536m memory per machine.

gs> deploy-elastic-space -dedicated-machine-provisioning grid-service-agents-zones=zone1,zone2 reserved-memory-capacity-per-machine=1536m mySpace


Syntax Description
gsaz, grid-service-agents-zones=zone1,zone2 Specifies the processing unit name.
rmcpm, reserved-memory-capacity-per-machine=1g Sets the expected amount of memory per machine that is reserved for processes other than grid containers.
rmcpmm, reserved-memory-capacity-per-management-machine=1g, Sets the expected amount of memory per management machine that is reserved for processes other than grid containers.

Shared Machine Provisioning Properties


The following provisioning properties may be used with the -shared-machine-provisioning [provisioning properties] option in deploy-elastic-space and deploy-elastic-pu commands.


The following deploys an elastic space named mySpace with zones [zone1,zone2] while taking into consideration a reserved 1536m memory per machine.

gs> deploy-elastic-space -shared-machine-provisioning sharing-id=myid grid-service-agents-zones=zone1,zone2 reserved-memory-capacity-per-machine=1536m mySpace


Syntax Description
sid, sharing-id=value Specifies the processing unit name.
gsaz, grid-service-agents-zones=zone1,zone2 Specifies the processing unit name.
rmcpm, reserved-memory-capacity-per-machine=1g Sets the expected amount of memory per machine that is reserved for processes other than grid containers.
rmcpmm, reserved-memory-capacity-per-management-machine=1g Sets the expected amount of memory per management machine that is reserved for processes other than grid containers.

Scale Properties


The following scale properties may be used with the -scale [scale properties] option in deploy-elastic-space and deploy-elastic-pu commands.


The following deploys an elastic stateful pu from file with manual scale strategy and memory-capacity=128m.

gs> deploy-elastic-pu -type stateless -scale strategy=manual memory-capacity=128m -file /home/user/processor.jar

The following deploys an elastic space named mySpace with manual scale strategy and memory-capacity=128m.

gs> deploy-elastic-space -scale strategy=manual memory-capacity=128m mySpace


Syntax Description
Specifies the processing unit name.
max-concurrent-relocations-per-machine=[number] Specifies the number of processing unit instance relocations each machine can handle concurrently.
CLI's default is 1.
at-most-one-concurrent-relocation=[true/false] Limits the number of concurrent relocations for the entire cluster to 1.
* Notice this is an aggregated property across all machines.
CLI's default is true.

The following options are supported with manual strategy only

Syntax Description
number-of-cpu-cores=[number] Specifies the number of CPU cores (as reported by the operating system).
This includes both real cores and hyper-threaded cores.
memory-capacity=[number[m/g]] Specifies the memory capacity (RAM).

Scale Elastic Processing Unit


gs> scale [options] -name [processing unit name]


Easily scale an already deployed elastic processing unit.


gs> scale -name myspace -number-of-cpu-cores 2

gs> scale -name myspace -memory-capacity 256m


Option Description Value Format
Specifies the processing unit name. -name [processing unit name]
-nocc, -number-of-cpu-cores Specifies the number of CPU cores (as reported by the operating system). -nocc [number]
-mc, -memory-capacity Specifies the memory capacity (RAM). -mc [number[m/g]]
-mcrpm, -max-concurrent-relocations-per-machine Specifies the number of processing unit instance relocations each machine can handle concurrently -mcrpm [number]

Undeploy PU


gs> undeploy-pu pu_name


Undeploys a processing unit from the service grid, while respecting pu dependency order.


The following undeploys the mySpace processing unit.

gs> undeploy mySpace


Option Description Value Format
-h / -help Prints help