This page describes an older version of the product. The latest stable version is 16.4.

XAP Cloud

As the complexity of runtime environments grows, automation for the deployment is needed. xap-cloud simplifies the installation and configuration of XAP on a set of machines, on a cloud or on-premises.


The requirements can be divided into two sections:


The host that will run the tool:

  • CentOS 7
  • A sudoer user for installing the required libraries


Hosts that will run XAP components:

  • Python 2.7 or higher
  • CentOS or Ubuntu
  • A sudoer user that does not require password when running a command as superuser.


Using the XAP Cloud tool requires two configurations: Hosts that XAP will be installed on and XAP configurations.

Hosts configuration

In the root directory of the tool you can find the xap-hosts.yaml file. This file contains the hosts that XAP will be installed on.

There are two types of hosts: management and container.

  • management hosts will host and manage GSA, GSM and LUS
  • container hosts will host and manage GSA and GSCs.

Here is an example of the hosts file:

# An example hosts configuration file.
# Rewrite it to suit your needs.

  port: 22
    username: root
    password: root
#    key_filename: /tmp/id_rsa.pem

  - host:
    tags: [management]
  - host:
    tags: [container]
  - ip_range: -
    tags: [container]

This file consists of a list of host machines where each host has the following attributes:

  • host/ip_range - a single or range of IPs of the host. The host should be accessible from the client host via this IP.
  • port - authentication port
  • auth - authentication details: username and password. If you have a private key you can pass it via the key_filename attribute.
  • tags - defines the type of the host: management or container host. Note that only one tag can be provided to the same host.

In case you have one or more properties that should be applied to all hosts, e.g. auth and port attributes, you can write them in the default section.

XAP configuration

Next, we need to configure the installation process as well as XAP. This is done via the xap-cloud.yaml file.

Bellow is the configuration file with the default values:

# mandatory properties
## URL or local location of the zip file
xap_location: "/root/demo/"
## OpenJDK Java version to install. Options are: 6, 7 and 8. 
## If you already have Java installed you need to set JAVA_HOME and leave this property empty.
java_version: "8"

# optional properties
## The remote directory location of the XAP installation. Default is user's home directory.
#xap_root: "" 

## License key, if not provided in the zip file.
#xap_license_key: "" 

#xap_lookup_groups: "" 

#xap_nic_address: "#eth0#" 

## The port that the webui will be available on.
#xap_webui_port: 9099 

## management hosts configuration
## Number of GSCs to start on management hosts
#management_xap_gsc_instances: 0
## The bellow properties will be passed to XAP_GSA_OPTIONS, XAP_LUS_OPTIONS, XAP_GSM_OPTIONS, 
## If value is left empty, the product's default will be used.
#management_xap_gsa_options: ""
#management_xap_lus_options: ""
#management_xap_gsm_options: "-Xms128m -Xmx128m"
#management_xap_gsc_options: ""
#management_xap_ext_options: ""

## container hosts configuration
## Number of GSCs to start on container hosts
#container_xap_gsc_instances: 2
## The bellow properties will be passed to XAP_GSA_OPTIONS,XAP_GSC_OPTIONS and XAP_EXT_OPTIONS
## If value is left empty, the product's default will be used.
#container_xap_gsa_options: ""
#container_xap_gsc_options: "-Xms128m -Xmx128m"
#container_xap_ext_options: ""

Installing XAP


Running the install twice might lead to errors in the uninstall step, therefore it is not recommended.

Once the configuration step is completed, you can simply run the following command from within the tool directory:

./ install

This command will start the installation process. First it will install Java if java_version property is set. Then it will download/copy the packaged zip file of XAP to the hosts, unzip it into the xap_root directory.

After that it will run the script with the right parameters for each management and container host.

Next, it will start a WebUI on one of the management hosts and will print its address.

Output sample:

[root@7fd97d6905f1 xap-cloud]# ./ install
2016-04-17 09:18:56 INFO: Checking if Cloudify is installed
2016-04-17 09:18:56 INFO: Downloading Cloudify installer (rpm)
2016-04-17 09:19:08 INFO: Installing Cloudify CLI
2016-04-17 09:19:22 INFO: Checking if blueprint is downloaded
2016-04-17 09:19:22 INFO: Downloading and installing XAP blueprint
2016-04-17 09:19:23 INFO: Activating virtual env
2016-04-17,09:19:23 INFO: XAP will be installed as follows:
2016-04-17,09:19:23 INFO: Management machines (2):,
2016-04-17,09:19:23 INFO: Container machines (2):,
2016-04-17 09:19:23 INFO: Initializing ...
2016-04-17 09:19:29 INFO: Installing ...
2016-04-17 09:19:34 [] INFO: Installing XAP on bc8d756b9635 (
2016-04-17 09:19:34 [] INFO: Installing XAP on dc30c2afa22b (
2016-04-17 09:19:34 [] INFO: Installing XAP on ec6391fd9c92 (
2016-04-17 09:19:34 [] INFO: Installing XAP on dd7d1a1ab78f (
2016-04-17 09:20:30 [] INFO: XAP is installed on ec6391fd9c92 (
2016-04-17 09:20:32 [] INFO: XAP is installed on dd7d1a1ab78f (
2016-04-17 09:20:33 [] INFO: XAP is starting on ec6391fd9c92 (
2016-04-17 09:20:34 [] INFO: XAP is starting on dd7d1a1ab78f (
2016-04-17 09:20:49 [] INFO: XAP started on dd7d1a1ab78f (
2016-04-17 09:20:51 [] INFO: XAP is installed on dc30c2afa22b (
2016-04-17 09:20:55 [] INFO: XAP is installed on bc8d756b9635 (
2016-04-17 09:20:56 [] INFO: XAP is starting on dc30c2afa22b (
2016-04-17 09:21:01 [] INFO: XAP is starting on bc8d756b9635 (
2016-04-17 09:21:08 [] INFO: XAP started on dc30c2afa22b (
2016-04-17 09:21:13 [] INFO: XAP started on bc8d756b9635 (
2016-04-17 09:21:15 [] INFO: WebUI is starting on bc8d756b9635 (
2016-04-17 09:21:16 [] INFO: WebUI started on bc8d756b9635 (
2016-04-17 09:21:16 INFO: XAP is installed successfully
2016-04-17 09:21:17 INFO: WebUI is available at

Uninstalling XAP

To uninstall XAP run the following command:

./ uninstall

The command will stop all of the GS components as well as the WebUI and delete XAP directory (configured via xap_root property).

Output sample:

[root@7fd97d6905f1 xap-cloud]# ./ uninstall
2016-04-17 13:42:23 INFO: Activating virtual env
2016-04-17 13:42:23 INFO: Executing uninstall workflow
2016-04-17 13:42:25 [] INFO: Stoppping XAP
2016-04-17 13:42:25 [] INFO: Stoppping XAP
2016-04-17 13:42:25 [] INFO: Stoppping WebUI
2016-04-17 13:42:25 [] INFO: WebUI is stopped
2016-04-17 13:42:27 [] INFO: Stoppping XAP
2016-04-17 13:42:27 [] INFO: Stoppping XAP
2016-04-17 13:42:40 [] INFO: XAP is stopped
2016-04-17 13:42:40 [] INFO: XAP is stopped
2016-04-17 13:42:44 [] INFO: XAP is stopped
2016-04-17 13:42:44 [] INFO: XAP is stopped
2016-04-17 13:42:48 INFO: XAP is uninstalled successfully


XAP Cloud tool provides the ability to make modifications to the hosts and to the XAP installation. In order to do so, you need to create the relevant script file and put it in the tool root directory:

  • - will run prior to the install step
  • - will run prior to the start step

For example, if you wish to configure the ulimit then you should use the script.


The tool comes with default scripts that are empty. If and/or files exist in the tool’s root directory, they will replace the default ones. Therefore, if you wish to use the defaults again you should place empty script files in the tool’s directory.

In addition, the tool allows installing XAP on several hosts in parallel. This can be configured by setting the TASK_THREAD_POOL environment variable before running the install command. The default value is four.