GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use GigaSpace Support for managing of Space(s) through the Admin API. 
org.openspaces.core Top level core package holding main OpenSpaces API for Space (GigaSpace) and Map (GigaMap) and the ability to create it. 
org.openspaces.core.context Allowing to inject configured GigaSpace instances within Spring application context using annotations. 
org.openspaces.core.executor.juc A package exposing Space mode (primary/backup) events through Spring application event support. A package including based classes and support classes for different OpenSpaces event containers. A package including adapter implementation of SpaceDataEventListener allowing to use either annotation or method listing to listen for events generated by different event containers. A notify event container allowing to use GigaSpace support for notifications. A polling event container generating events by performing polling receive operations. An abstraction on top of the actual receive operation performed by the polling event container. An abstraction on top of the trigger operation performed before the initiation of transactional receive operation.   
org.openspaces.jdbc.datasource Implementations of Jdbc DataSource interface using GigaSpaces support for Jdbc based on an actual IJSpace or GigaSpace implementation. 
org.openspaces.jms Holds simple factory beans to create GigaSpaces implementations of JMS ConnectionFactory and XAConnectionFactory. 
org.openspaces.remoting A package including OpenSpaces support for Sync and Async remoting inspired by other Spring remoting integrations. 

Uses of GigaSpace in

Methods in that return GigaSpace
 GigaSpace Space.getGigaSpace()
          Returns the clustered view of the space to operate on.
 GigaSpace SpaceInstance.getGigaSpace()
          Returns the direct proxy to the actual space instance.

Uses of GigaSpace in org.openspaces.core

Classes in org.openspaces.core that implement GigaSpace
 class DefaultGigaSpace
          Default implementation of GigaSpace.

Methods in org.openspaces.core that return GigaSpace
 GigaSpace GigaSpaceConfigurer.create()
          Creates a new GigaSpace instance if non already created.
 GigaSpace DefaultGigaSpace.getClustered()
 GigaSpace GigaSpace.getClustered()
          Returns a clustered view of this GigaSpace instance.
 GigaSpace GigaSpaceConfigurer.gigaSpace()
          Creates a new GigaSpace instance if non already created.

Methods in org.openspaces.core that return types with arguments of type GigaSpace
 Class<? extends GigaSpace> GigaSpaceFactoryBean.getObjectType()

Constructors in org.openspaces.core with parameters of type GigaSpace
IteratorBuilder(GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          Constructs a new iterator builder using the given GigaSpace.

Uses of GigaSpace in org.openspaces.core.context

Methods in org.openspaces.core.context that return GigaSpace
protected  GigaSpace GigaSpaceContextBeanPostProcessor.findGigaSpaceByName(String gsName)
protected  GigaSpace GigaSpaceLateContextBeanFactoryPostProcessor.findGigaSpaceByName(String gsName)

Uses of GigaSpace in org.openspaces.core.executor

Methods in org.openspaces.core.executor with parameters of type GigaSpace
static TaskExecutorService TaskExecutors.newExecutorService(GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          Constructs a new DefaultTaskExecutorService which is an executor service that can execute tasks on top of the Space.
 void TaskGigaSpaceAware.setGigaSpace(GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          Injects the space the task is executed on.

Uses of GigaSpace in org.openspaces.core.executor.juc

Constructors in org.openspaces.core.executor.juc with parameters of type GigaSpace
DefaultTaskExecutorService(GigaSpace gigaSpace)

Uses of GigaSpace in

Methods in with parameters of type GigaSpace
 void SpaceModeContextLoader.setGigaSpace(GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          Allows to set the GigaSpace instance that will control (based on its Space mode - PRIMARY or BACKUP) if the context will be loaded or not.

Uses of GigaSpace in

Methods in with parameters of type GigaSpace
 void WorkerAdapter.setGigaSpace(GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          Deprecated. Sets the GigaSpace that will be used to pass an IJSpace instance to the worker init method.

Uses of GigaSpace in

Methods in that return GigaSpace
protected  GigaSpace AbstractSpaceListeningContainer.getGigaSpace()
          Returns the GigaSpace instance to be used for Space operations.

Methods in with parameters of type GigaSpace
 void SpaceDataEventListener.onEvent(T data, GigaSpace gigaSpace, TransactionStatus txStatus, Object source)
          An event callback with the actual data object of the event.
 void EventExceptionHandler.onException(ListenerExecutionFailedException exception, T data, GigaSpace gigaSpace, TransactionStatus txStatus, Object source)
          A callback to handle exception in an event container.
 void EventExceptionHandler.onSuccess(T data, GigaSpace gigaSpace, TransactionStatus txStatus, Object source)
          A callback when a successful execution of a listener.
 void AbstractSpaceListeningContainer.setGigaSpace(GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          Sets the GigaSpace instance to be used for space event listening operations.

Uses of GigaSpace in

Methods in with parameters of type GigaSpace
protected  void AbstractResultEventListenerAdapter.handleResult(Object result, GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          Writes the result back to the space (if not null) under the configured write lease.
 void AbstractResultEventListenerAdapter.onEvent(Object data, GigaSpace gigaSpace, TransactionStatus txStatus, Object source)
          Implements the SpaceDataEventListener by delegating to AbstractResultEventListenerAdapter.onEventWithResult(Object,org.openspaces.core.GigaSpace,org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus,Object) and writing the result back to the space (if it is not null) using AbstractResultEventListenerAdapter.handleResult(Object,org.openspaces.core.GigaSpace).
 void TaskExecutorEventListenerAdapter.onEvent(Object data, GigaSpace gigaSpace, TransactionStatus txStatus, Object source)
          Listens for events and and delegates them to the TaskExecutorEventListenerAdapter.setDelegate( to be executed using the provided TaskExecutorEventListenerAdapter.setTaskExecutor(org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor).
protected abstract  Object AbstractResultEventListenerAdapter.onEventWithResult(Object data, GigaSpace gigaSpace, TransactionStatus txStatus, Object source)
          An event listener callback allowing to return a result that will be written back to the space.
protected  Object AbstractReflectionEventListenerAdapter.onEventWithResult(Object data, GigaSpace gigaSpace, TransactionStatus txStatus, Object source)
          Delegates the event listener invocation to the appropriate method of the configured AbstractReflectionEventListenerAdapter.setDelegate(Object).

Uses of GigaSpace in

Constructors in with parameters of type GigaSpace
SimpleAsyncPollingContainerConfigurer(GigaSpace gigaSpace)

Uses of GigaSpace in

Methods in with parameters of type GigaSpace
 AsyncFuture AsyncOperationHandler.asyncReceive(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace, long receiveTimeout, AsyncFutureListener listener)
          Perform the async receive operation.
 AsyncFuture SingleReadAsyncOperationHandler.asyncReceive(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace, long receiveTimeout, AsyncFutureListener listener)
          Performs a single take usign asyncRead(Object).
 AsyncFuture SingleTakeAsyncOperationHandler.asyncReceive(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace, long receiveTimeout, AsyncFutureListener listener)
          Performs a single take usign asyncTake(Object).
 AsyncFuture ExclusiveReadAsyncOperationHandler.asyncReceive(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace, long receiveTimeout, AsyncFutureListener listener)
          Performs a single take usign asyncRead(Object) under exclusive read lock.

Uses of GigaSpace in

Constructors in with parameters of type GigaSpace
SimpleNotifyContainerConfigurer(GigaSpace gigaSpace)

Uses of GigaSpace in

Constructors in with parameters of type GigaSpace
SimplePollingContainerConfigurer(GigaSpace gigaSpace)

Uses of GigaSpace in

Methods in with parameters of type GigaSpace
protected abstract  Object AbstractNonBlockingReceiveOperationHandler.doReceiveBlocking(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace, long receiveTimeout)
          Performs a receive operations in a blocking manner.
protected  Object SingleTakeReceiveOperationHandler.doReceiveBlocking(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace, long receiveTimeout)
          Performs a single take operation using take(Object, long) with the given timeout.
protected  Object MultiReadReceiveOperationHandler.doReceiveBlocking(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace, long receiveTimeout)
          First tries and perform a readMultiple(Object,int) using the provided template and configured maxEntries (defaults to 50).
protected  Object ExclusiveReadReceiveOperationHandler.doReceiveBlocking(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace, long receiveTimeout)
          Performs single read operation using read(Object,long) under an exclusive read lock.
protected  Object MultiTakeReceiveOperationHandler.doReceiveBlocking(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace, long receiveTimeout)
          First tries and perform a takeMultiple(Object,int) using the provided template and configured maxEntries (defaults to 50).
protected  Object MultiExclusiveReadReceiveOperationHandler.doReceiveBlocking(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace, long receiveTimeout)
          First tries and perform a readMultiple(Object,int) using the provided template and configured maxEntries (defaults to 50).
protected  Object SingleReadReceiveOperationHandler.doReceiveBlocking(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace, long receiveTimeout)
          Performs single read operation using read(Object,long) with the given timeout.
protected abstract  Object AbstractNonBlockingReceiveOperationHandler.doReceiveNonBlocking(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          Performs a receive operations in a non blocking manner.
protected  Object SingleTakeReceiveOperationHandler.doReceiveNonBlocking(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          Performs a single take operation using take(Object, long) with no timeout.
protected  Object MultiReadReceiveOperationHandler.doReceiveNonBlocking(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          Perform a readMultiple(Object,int) using the provided template and configured maxEntries (defaults to 50).
protected  Object ExclusiveReadReceiveOperationHandler.doReceiveNonBlocking(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          Performs single read operation using read(Object,long) under an exclusive read lock with no timeout.
protected  Object MultiTakeReceiveOperationHandler.doReceiveNonBlocking(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          Performs a non blocking takeMultiple(Object, int).
protected  Object MultiExclusiveReadReceiveOperationHandler.doReceiveNonBlocking(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          Perform a readMultiple(Object,int) using the provided template and configured maxEntries (defaults to 50).
protected  Object SingleReadReceiveOperationHandler.doReceiveNonBlocking(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          Performs single read operation using read(Object,long) with no timeout.
 Object AbstractNonBlockingReceiveOperationHandler.receive(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace, long receiveTimeout)
          Performs the receive operation.
 Object ReceiveOperationHandler.receive(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace, long receiveTimeout)
          Performs the actual receive operation.

Uses of GigaSpace in

Methods in with parameters of type GigaSpace
 Object ReadTriggerOperationHandler.triggerReceive(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace, long receiveTimeout)
          Uses read(Object,long) and returns its result.
 Object TriggerOperationHandler.triggerReceive(Object template, GigaSpace gigaSpace, long receiveTimeout)
          Allows to perform a trigger receive operation which control if the active receive operation will be performed in a polling event container.

Uses of GigaSpace in

Methods in that return GigaSpace
static GigaSpace AnnotationProcessorUtils.findGigaSpace(Object bean, String gigaSpaceName, ApplicationContext applicationContext, String beanName)

Uses of GigaSpace in org.openspaces.jdbc.datasource

Methods in org.openspaces.jdbc.datasource with parameters of type GigaSpace
 void SpaceDriverManagerDataSource.setGigaSpace(GigaSpace gigaSpace)
 void DbcpBasicDataSource.setGigaSpace(GigaSpace gigaSpace)

Uses of GigaSpace in org.openspaces.jms

Methods in org.openspaces.jms with parameters of type GigaSpace
 void GigaSpaceConnectionFactory.setGigaSpace(GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          The GigaSpace instance to acquire the IJSpace from.
 void GigaSpaceXAConnectionFactory.setGigaSpace(GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          The GigaSpace instance to acquire the IJSpace from.

Uses of GigaSpace in org.openspaces.memcached

Methods in org.openspaces.memcached with parameters of type GigaSpace
 void MemCacheDaemon.setSpace(GigaSpace space)

Constructors in org.openspaces.memcached with parameters of type GigaSpace
SpaceCache(GigaSpace space)

Uses of GigaSpace in org.openspaces.remoting

Methods in org.openspaces.remoting that return GigaSpace
protected  GigaSpace RemotingAnnotationBeanPostProcessor.findGigaSpaceByName(String gsName)

Methods in org.openspaces.remoting with parameters of type GigaSpace
 void SpaceRemotingServiceExporter.onEvent(SpaceRemotingEntry remotingEntry, GigaSpace gigaSpace, TransactionStatus txStatus, Object source)
          Receives a SpaceRemotingEntry which holds all the relevant invocation information.
 void EventDrivenSpaceRemotingProxyFactoryBean.setGigaSpace(GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          Sets the GigaSpace interface that will be used to work with the space as the transport layer for both writing and taking SpaceRemotingEntry.
 void ExecutorSpaceRemotingProxyFactoryBean.setGigaSpace(GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          Sets the GigaSpace interface that will be used to work with the space as the transport layer.

Constructors in org.openspaces.remoting with parameters of type GigaSpace
EventDrivenRemoteFuture(GigaSpace gigaSpace, SpaceRemotingEntry remotingEntry)
EventDrivenRemotingProxyConfigurer(GigaSpace gigaSpace, Class<T> serviceInterface)
ExecutorRemotingProxyConfigurer(GigaSpace gigaSpace, Class<T> serviceInterface)

Uses of GigaSpace in org.openspaces.remoting.scripting

Constructors in org.openspaces.remoting.scripting with parameters of type GigaSpace
EventDrivenScriptingProxyConfigurer(GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          Creates a new AsyncScriptingProxyConfigurer on top of the given space
ExecutorScriptingProxyConfigurer(GigaSpace gigaSpace)
          Creates a new ExecutorScriptingProxyConfigurer on top of the given space

GigaSpaces XAP 8.0 API

Copyright © GigaSpaces.